New film from Google shows the value of Camanio Care’s technology

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-          Then and there I decided that this is the girl I am going to marry.

These are the words of Bengt Ivarsson from Tibro, 82 years old, about the first time he saw his future wife Laila. The episode is captured in a new film from Google that is launched today, on the World Alzheimer’s Day. In the film Bengt is riding the bike and through care technology from the Swedish company Camanio Care, he comes back to his old hometown where he grew up - memories and sentiments are awaken.

The film can be seen on the link here. 

BikeAround jDome is a development of the traditional exercise bike. When riding the bicycle a street view is projected in front of the person. Through Google Street View the cycling tracks become endless and the user can experience everything from large cities to former neighborhoods.

- We are of course very proud of the fact that Google creates a film showing the strong values of our product BikeAround jDome. In addition, the film is very well-made and with a warm personal story based on care and love, says Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO Camanio Care.

In the film The BikeAround jDome we get to know Bengt and Laila from Tibro. Bengt has Alzheimer’s disease. Thanks to the BikeAround jDome, this man is able to go back in time, to places he remembers from old days and can very naturally ride his bike through these memories. The strong experiences are combined with physical activity. Research is currently on-going to study the effects that this kind of multisensory stimulation can have for the brain.

BikeAround jDome is one of several products within robotics and welfare technology from Camanio Care, which contributes to a better living for elderly and disabled people. At this moment, several residential homes in Sweden are using BikeAround jDome and interest is also increasing in the global market.

-          With the boost of Google's new film, we hope to reach even more stakeholders around the world. In the end giving more elderly people a chance to benefit from our care technology. As well as developing the future of health care, concludes Catharina Borgenstierna

For further information, please contact:
Catharina Borgenstierna, CEO

About Camanio Care
Camanio Care is a company in welfare technology with products in robotics, augmented reality and online services that focus on people's basic needs. Today we offer solutions that increase quality in the areas of activation, meal, safety and communication, such as jDome BikeAround, Giraffe and Bestic. Camanio Care currently has its head office in Stockholm, a subsidiary in the United States and distributors in China, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, UK, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Australia.

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