Mandatory notification of subscription rights grants

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Cxense ASA issues this notice on behalf of certain primary insiders of the company who were granted subscriptions rights (SRs) on 25 August 2016. For reference see stock exchange notice published 26 August 2016 at 08:00 CET.


CEO Ståle Bjørnstad was granted 15,000 SRs. After the grant Ståle Bjørnstad holds 42,500 SRs, 2,500 warrants and 7,399 shares in Cxense ASA.

CFO Jørgen M. Loeng was granted 11,000 SRs. After the grant Jørgen M. Loeng holds 41,000 SRs and share options and 34,350 shares in Cxense ASA through JLO Invest AS.

CTO Aleksander Øhrn was granted 7,000 SRs. After the grant Aleksander Øhrn holds 14,000 SRs and 75,762 shares in Cxense ASA.

EVP Global Sales Vigleik Takle was granted 7,000 SRs. After the grant Vigleik Takle holds 22,500 SRs and share options, 166 warrants and 4,332 shares in Cxense ASA.

EVP HR Camilla G. Moen was granted 7,000 SRs. After the grant Camilla G. Moen Holds 8,000 SRs and 5,992 shares in Cxense ASA.

SVP Global Engineering Øyvind Hopsnes was granted 4,000 SRs. After the grant Øyvind Hopsnes holds 8,000 SRs and 5,500 shares in Cxense ASA.

SVP Finance Rune Mol Slettenes was granted 4,000 SRs. After the grant Rune Mol Slettenes holds 9,000 SRs and, through Rusle Invest AS, 500 warrants and 1,049 shares in Cxense ASA  

VP Sales Operations Eirik Næsje was granted 2,000 SRs. After the grant Eirik Næsje holds 2,500 SRs in Cxense ASA.

The SRs grants mentioned above were made under the company's 2016 incentive subscription rights plan as resolved at the annual general meeting on 12 May 2016. The exercise price of the SRs is NOK 165.80 per share. The issued SRs vest over 4 years by 25 % on each anniversary from the date of the grant. The SRs expire on 25 August 2021.

26 August 2016
Cxense ASA

Investor Relations Contact
Jørgen M. Loeng
Chief Financial Officer
Mobile: +47 906 60 062