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  • Go4theGoal to Begin Seasonal Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer Campaigns with Select Hospitals Nationwide

Go4theGoal to Begin Seasonal Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer Campaigns with Select Hospitals Nationwide

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A simple brainstorming session between executives at the Go4theGoal Foundation and the Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders at Akron Children’s Hospital last month turned into a giant fundraising effort to support pediatric cancer patients in Akron, Ohio. The initiative, which raised an estimated $30,000 to $40,0000 in just one month, has inspired Go4theGoal to create a new program in which the non-profit will choose a select number of hospitals each sports season (winter, spring, summer and fall) with which to work.

“This is a very exciting time for us at Go4theGoal,” said Nate Mulberg, Go4theGoal Athletics Coordinator. “We truly believe that thanks in large part to the efforts of those at Akron Children’s Hospital, we have uncovered a unique business model that will allow us to efficiently raise funds for pediatric cancer patients and oncology units nationwide.”

During September, pediatric cancer awareness month, Go4theGoal worked exclusively with Akron Children’s Hospital’s Development and Media Relations team to promote its Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer® Campaign throughout the Akron region. With Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer®, youth, high school, college and professional sports teams purchase Go4theGoal’s gold shoelaces/gear to wear during a special childhood cancer awareness game. Funds generated from sales of shoelaces/gear as well as any additional donations stay local to help support those affected by childhood cancer.

Akron Children’s Hospital worked with Go4theGoal to create a social media campaign, which created substantial publicity about the cause. By the end of September, several media outlets, including the Akron Beacon Journal, had run feature stories about the gold laces.

Go4theGoal is still collecting money from its campaign with Akron Children’s Hospital, but 7,300 laces were shipped to Ohio during September. Total funds received as of October 17th was $10,000 with another $20,000 to $40,000 more expected depending on donation totals.

“The results with Akron were far beyond what we expected,” said Nate Mulberg, Go4theGoal Athletics Coordinator. “Within days of posting about our Lace Up partnership with Akron Children’s Hospital, we received an overwhelming amount of emails and phone calls. Now, the hospital has sufficient funds to use as support for its childhood cancer facilities and patients.”

If your pediatric oncology unit is interested in working with Go4theGoal on a seasonal Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer® campaign, or if you want more information, contact Nate Mulberg, Go4theGoal Athletics Coordinator, at natemulberg@go4thegoal.org .

Contact: Carina Trenka

(856) 701-3877


About Go4theGoal Foundation:

Go4theGoal Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 by Dr. Richard and Beth Stefanacci, soon after their oldest child was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer.  2012 and 2013 were very exciting years at Go4theGoal Foundation, whose two national campaigns, National Dress 4 Pediatric Cancer Day® and Lace Up 4 Pediatric Cancer®, gave hundreds of schools, businesses and sports teams an opportunity to raise awareness and much needed support for patients in their communities and earned Go4theGoal the honor of “Top Rated Non-Profit of 2012, 2013, & 2014” by Great Nonprofits.  Go4theGoal provides children undergoing cancer treatment and their families with financial assistance, runs fun hospital-based programs, grants special wishes and supplies state-of-the-art electronic products to children and pediatric oncology units in over 80 hospitals across the country. Since 2007, G4G has funded nearly $1,000,000.00 in innovative pediatric cancer research. Go4theGoal.org




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