Holmen’s interim report January–June 2018

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Quarter  January–June  Full year 
SEKm  2-18  1-18  2-17  2018  2017  2017 
Net sales  4 164  4 099  4 148  8 264  8 278  16 133 
Operating profit   618  653  525  1 271  1 152  2 166 
Profit after tax  759  507  394  1 266  880  1 668 
Earnings per share, SEK  4.5  3.0  2.4  7.5  5.2  9.9 
Operating margin, %  14.9  15.9  12.7  15.4  13.9  13.4 
Return on capital employed, %   9.8  10.5  8.5  10.1  9.4  8.7 
Return on equity, %  13.6  9.1  7.5  11.4  8.4  7.8 
Cash flow before investments
and working capital
662  586  482  1 248  1 224  2 310 
Debt/equity ratio  0.15  0.11  0.19  0.15  0.19  0.13 


  • Operating profit for January–June totalled SEK 1 271 million, an increase of SEK 119 million from the same period last year. The improvement is attributable to higher profit from wood products and energy, and to the sale of a forest property.
  • Compared with the first quarter, profit for the second quarter decreased by SEK 35 million to SEK 618 million. Paperboard production was strong and selling prices for wood products increased. Hydro power production decreased seasonally. Income for the first quarter included SEK 70 million from the sale of a forest property.

  • Profit after tax for January–June totalled SEK 1 266 million (January–June 2017: SEK 880 million), which corresponds to earnings per share of SEK 7.5 (5.2). Profit includes a positive tax effect of SEK 300 million, arising   from the decision by the Swedish Parliament to lower the Swedish rate of corporation tax.

  • Return on capital employed increased to 10.1 per cent (9.4).

For further information, please contact:
Henrik Sjölund, President and CEO, +46 8 666 21 05
Anders Jernhall, Executive Vice President and CFO, +46 8 666 21 22
Stina Sandell, Senior Vice President Sustainability and Communications, +46 73 986 51 12


This information is information that Holmen AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Market Act (VpmL). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 12.00.

Holmen’s business concept is to own and add value to the forest. The forest holdings form the basis of the business – an ecocycle in which the raw material grows and is refined into everything from wood for climate-smart building to renewable packaging, magazines and books. The forest is managed to provide a good annual return and stable value growth while our production operations are run with a focus on profitability and greater value added. In 2017 Holmen’s net sales were just over SEK 16 billion and the group has approx. 3 000 employees. Holmen’s shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. For more information, visit holmen.com.