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The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), established in 1998 by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), is the leading international body monitoring internal displacement worldwide.


For those countries that have ratified, it is only the first step on the path towards turning its legal contents into concrete action that makes real change for people affected by displacement
Alfredo Zamudio, Director of IDMC
The LRA have a long history of extreme violence and have committed some of the most horrendous mass atrocities in the world. The deeply entrenched fear that this long history of violence has inspired means that today, the mere rumor of perceived ‘LRA’ activity is enough to cause whole villages to flee in fear of their lives.
Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
While we have seen protracted displacement situations in other areas of DRC, what makes this particularly unique is the high levels of fear and trauma within these communities.
Jan Egeland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
IDPs are struggling to remain visible on the global agenda, despite making up almost twice the population of refugees worldwide. Having worked extensively with displaced populations, I understand the need to preserve the dignity and respect for IDPs, whilst fighting for change on their behalf, I very much look forward to working more with actors in this field.
Alfredo Zamudio, Director of IDMC
In countries already facing the effects of conflict and food insecurity such as in Nigeria, Pakistan, and South Sudan, we observe a common theme. Here, vulnerability to disaster triggered by floods is frequently further compounded by hunger, poverty and violence; resulting in a ‘perfect storm’ of risk factors that lead to displacement.″
Clare Spurrell, Chief Spokesperson for IDMC
In the US following Hurricane Sandy, most of those displaced were able to find refuge in adequate temporary shelter while displaced from their own homes. Compare this to communities in Haiti, where hundreds of thousands are still living in makeshift tents over three years after the 2010 earthquake mega-disaster, and you see a very different picture.
Clare Spurrell, Chief Spokesperson for IDMC
Much of the spike in the number of internally displaced people worldwide was due to the 2.4 million people displaced by the crisis within Syria by the end of 2012. Here, the acceleration of internal displacement is closely linked to the conflict, creating a ‘snowball effect’. In this context, internal displacement becomes a ‘moving target’ for those tasked with the response.
Kate Halff, Director of IDMC
Governments are responsible for finding long-term solutions for their displaced citizens. However, these can only be realised when governments and the international community recognise that people forced from their homes require not only a humanitarian response at the height of a crisis, but sustained engagement until a lasting solution is achieved.
Kate Halff, Director of IDMC
“We are at a tipping point. There is a real threat that the country will continue to slide down a slippery slope to perpetual chaos if the international community drops the ball on Mali at this crucial crossroads.”
Elizabeth Rushing, IDMC’s Country Analyst for Mali
“The military intervention has not cured all evils. Invisible threats remain with reports of on-going ethnic tensions alongside fears that Islamist militants will regroup in the mountains, where they are believed to have fled, to continue their campaign of Guerrilla-style raids and suicide bombings, particularly in the North where there remains weak governance.”
Elizabeth Rushing, IDMC’s Country Analyst for Mali
To put this in context, if two cyclones of equal intensity were to hit both the Philippines and Japan, 17 times as many Filipinos than Japanese would be killed, and a far greater number of Filipinos would be displaced, all due to the greater socio-economic vulnerability of Filipinos.
Justin Ginnetti, IDMC’s advisor on natural disasters and the author of the latest report
Filipinos are disproportionately affected by hazards as compared to other nations with comparable populations exposed to similar hazards.
Justin Ginnetti, IDMC’s advisor on natural disasters
IDMC is especially concerned about vulnerable groups such as women, children and the injured caught up in the displacement crisis, with sexual violence and rape a worrying trend and reports of injured people too afraid to go to hospitals because of the bombings.
Sebastian Albuja, Head of Africa Department
Those being forced to flee inside Mali are caught between a rock and a hard place
Sebastian Albuja
The Kampala Convention is comprehensive in that it addresses the multiple causes of displacement, so this signals an important step towards addressing the plight of millions of Africans who are uprooted from their homes
Kim Mancini, Senior Training and Legal Officer (IDMC)
Fear and mistrust between communities add fire to the tensions, particularly in the west, forcing at least 24,000 more people to flee this year alone.
Elizabeth Rushing, IDMC’s analyst for West Africa
[Disputed land allocations] left a devastating legacy where local custom and written law often contradict each other when it comes to land ownership, leaving the whole system open to abuse.
Elizabeth Rushing, IDMC’s analyst for West Africa
« Les personnes déplacées enferment et cachet leurs enfants par peur des attaques et du recrutement forcé des filles et garçons par les groupes armés »
Olivia Kalis, Conseillère en Plaidoyer de NRC en RDC (actuellement à Kigali)
The recent signing of the Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro is a positive step that is set to bring an end to 40 years of conflict.
Elisabeth Rasmusson, Secretary General of NRC.
Guillaume Charron, IDMC’s Syria analyst
1.5 million people in Syria have lost their homes and livelihoods since the outbreak of the uprisings that swept the region in 2011. ‘Syria is in an internal displacement crisis
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災害により家追われる: 先進国と発展途上国の両方で3240万人の災害避難民

国内避難民監視センター(IDMC)は13日、洪水、嵐や地震などの自然災害により、2012年の1年の間に3240万人が避難を余儀なくされたとの研究報告書をジュネーブで発表した。報告書によると、アジアと西・中央アフリカがこの災難の矢面に立ったが、130万人の先進国(特にアメリカ)の住民も被害を受けた。2012年の国内避難の98%は自然災害が原因である。その内インドとナイジェリアにおける洪水災害が世界全体の41%を占める。インドでは690万人がモンスーンによる洪水から避難し 、ナイジェリアでは610万人が新たに家を追われた。過去5年間は世界の国内避難民の81%がアジアで生じたが、2012年はアフリカで過去最高の820万人が新たに国内避難民となった。この数字は過去四年のいずれの年の水準の4倍以上である。 IDMCのチーフスポークスウーマン、クレア・スパレル氏は、「ナイジェリア、パキスタン、南スーダンのようにすでに紛争や食糧不安の危機に直面している国々で共通の特徴が観察できる。ここでは洪水によって引き起こされる災害への脆弱性が飢餓、貧困や暴力によってさらに悪化するため、国内避難につながる危険性が高い」と述べた。 気候変動が国内避難の要因になり得ることを示す科学的証拠もある。気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)の2012年度特別報告書は,「

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