
Getting approval and being listed on the Qlik Market portal, greatly enhances our penetration into global markets. Not only does it add credibility for us as a software provider, it will also have a great impact for our partners. From now on they can speak about BizView as the natural complement for the Qlik BI foundation that it is, knowing that Qlik themselves has approved to that. Certainly, our recent status as Qlik Technology Partner also adds to that.
Jens Karlsson, VP International Sales at Bizview Systems
Over the last few years Grand Hotel has considerably improved their budget and forecasting process by focusing on relevant drivers important to their business. Although, they have had challenges with time consuming processes for input, budget consolidation and analysis. Therefore, we really appreciate the opportunity to help taking their internal processes to an even higher level by implementing BizView together with Qlik Sense.
Jonas Grundström, BI Manager at Climber
Grand Hôtel is a most welcome customer to us that brings great value to our portfolio of high profile brand references. We’ve had previous success in the travel and leisure industry, and Grand Hôtel certainly adds to that. We are confident that BizView will help Grand Hôtel in running their operations, and achieving great control over their financials to further improve their offering.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview
bWise er ett av Norges ledende kompetansemiljøer innenfor BI og CPM, og som partner til BizView kan vi nå tilby våre kunder de beste løsningene innenfor området Planning. Med BizView for Qlikview kan vi nå tilby våre kunder markedets mest effektive løsningere innen området Planning. Det er stor etterspørsel etter fleksible, kostnadseffektive og skalerbare systemer innen området planning. Med BizView har vi funnet et produkt som til fulle dekker disse kriteriene.
Kristoffer Danielsen, ansvarlig for området ”Budsjett og Prognose” i bWise
Å samarbeide med de beste kompetansemiljøene i markedet er den sikreste veien for at vi kan lykkes. Bizview sitt mantra er - Planning and reporting the way you want it. Faster., noe som kun er mulig å lykkes med om man kan kombinere det beste systemet med den beste kompetansen for implementering.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, daglig leder Bizview Norge
Våre mål er ambisiøse og for å nå våre målsetninger er vi avhengig av at alle hos Elektroimportøren vet hva som forventes i det daglige arbeidet. Det stiller også store krav til de IT-løsninger vi implementerer, og BizView for Qlik gir oss den tryggheten og fleksibiliteten som er nødvendig for å lykkes.
Petter Bjørnstad, sjef hos Elektroimportøren
It is with great pride we now announce LINX as new BizView client. Agency DNA have done yet another excellent job, approaching the market and LINX with great commitment! For Bizview, LINX is a major name to add into our portfolio, a new proof that our solutions really stand out as special. Something we couldn’t have done without the great partnership with Agency DNA.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview
Retail er en bransje som har svært store behov for økonomisk styring og planlegging, fortsetter Lars. Samtidig er det en bransje hvor selskapene ofte har mange ulike systemer som skal spille sammen, noe som setter store krav til løsningene for planlegging og beslutningsstøtte. BizView fremstår i dag som en ”universal-nøkkel” som håndterer de fleste behov, noe som gjør BizView til en perfekt match til Retail-bransjen.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, daglig leder i Bizview Norge
Daglig leder, Lars Fjellbirkeland, i Bizview Norge, uttaler i forbindelse med denne avtalen at næringsmiddelindustrien er ett viktig satsningsområde for Bizview. Kjøttprodusenter som Grilstad, Nortura og Furuseth, grossister som Haugen Gruppen og Jensen & Co, drikkevareprodusenter som Lerum og Telemark Kildevann, er noen av de næringsmiddelbedriftene som i løpet av de siste årene har tatt i bruk BizView.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, Daglig leder i Bizview Norge
This partnership is truly a major achievement for us. It adds weight and credibility to our recent success in the Qlik channels, and opens a worldwide market for us to exploit to the best of our efforts. Having this partnership, as an authorized Technology Partner, will raise BizView to new levels, and our goal is to make BizView a household name among all the happy Qlik customers out there.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview
We already have numerous customers, global and local, that has chosen BizView as their planning complement for Qlikview. In our own partner network we also continue to add new skilled and hungry Qlik partners that have realized the potential of BizView. It is truly very exciting! Qlik, also founded in Sweden, has had unparalleled success globally, and it is an honor for us to be welcomed in their partner community.
ens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview
Climber already created a Foundation Framework to optimize the Qlik environment at Lecot. All business requirements and rules for further analysis are stored here. BizView is seamlessly integrating in this environment. The Excel-like ease of use also proofed to be a valuable asset for Lecot-Raedschelders. The cooperation and partnership with BizView, will also be extremely interesting for our installed base and potential new customers. It is a true valuable addition to the Qlik Platform.
Bert Otter, Climber Benelux Director
This contract is another big step in our aim at becoming an international recognized brand. Together with our enthusiastic partner Climber, this will be the start of many successful implementations in this region. At Bizview we already know that our customers are very satisfied, it will be exciting to follow the development of this new market and to hear the stories from future customers.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview
We see great potential in the partnership with Bizview Systems.
David Anebo, CEO at BizOne
Bizview’s software for budgeting and planning will be a good complement to our current offering in business intelligence and performance management. Since Bizview is an open solution we can deliver integrated support in the planning process for existing and new clients.
Fredrik Sandberg, Responsible for the planning offering at BizOne
With a partner like BizOne and with BizView customers ranging from medium sized to large corporations, BizView can be delivered for small to the most complex solutions in a combination of functionality, price and time that is second to none. We have already seen interest from the market around the offer BizOne and Bizview Systems can offer.
Peter Winkler, Partner Responsible at Bizview Systems
Global growth companies within low margin service sectors are really in need of strong tools for financial management and planning. With BizView we now have a scalable system where we with great simplicity and flexibility can adapt to the ever changing and emerging needs in the business - performance management systems are key to success, our success. And over the next years we will see the importance of this in every growth company succeeding on the global arena.
Stig Storm-Hansen, CFO at OSM Aviation
BizView is getting increasingly popular now, be it with small or big corporations, local or global players, it seems we have found the right formula: the need for BI and CPM solutions that combine simplicity, ease of use and flexibility, with cost-effective deployment and advanced features, is something we find in demand with our global customers. With BizView's scalable web technology, we can meet those demands better and more cost effective than most competitors in the global market.
Oskar Kristiansen, CEO at Bizview Systems
BizView has in recent years gained many new customers in the government and public enterprises. Now that BizView also can be subordered under a framework agreement for municipalities and county councils, it makes it easier for new customers to order BizView for their business. There is great interest in BizView from public enterprises in Sweden, and we expect strong growth in this market in the coming years.
Peter Winkler, Bizview Systems
Tilpasningsdyktighet har vært et av grunnlagene for Forestias eksistens i over 40 år, og vil fortsette å være det også i årene som kommer. Derfor har vi bevisst satset på kontinuerlig produktutvikling, samtidig som kvalitetssikring i alle ledd er prioritert. Vårt valg av BizView føyer seg naturlig inn i rekken av løsninger som skal ta oss videre inn i fremtidens marked.
Ingeborg Edvardsen, Økonomisjef Forestia AS
BizView gir oss anledning til å være mye mer hands-on med rapportering og budsjettering og prognose, dette gjør at vi løpende kan følge opp mot virkelig tall på salgsnivå og økonomi.
Ingeborg Edvardsen, Økonomisjef Forestia AS
Store bedrifter med bred produksjon, mange ansatte og eksport av produkter opplever ofte at kompleksiteten er så stor at oversikten ikke er ideell. Med BizView kan viktige områder som prognostisering, budsjettering, rapportering, analyse og konsolidering håndteres på en bedre og mer effektiv måte enn tidligere.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, Daglig leder BizView Systems AS
BizView tilbyr et webbasert Excel-lignende brukergrensesnitt i kombinasjon med kraftfull workflow-styring. Nå er det enklere enn noen gang å etablere optimalisert virksomhetsstyring i bedrifter. Fokuset har vært å forenkle alle prosedyrer og rutiner. Vi har blant annet gjort det mulig å enkelt distribuere rapportene og maler videre til andre brukere i organisasjonen med kun noen få tastetrykk.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, Daglig leder BizView Systems AS
Helt siden starten i 1997 har vi tilbudt kundene våre løsninger som er 100% tilpasset deres behov, ønsker og eksisterende systemer.
Freddy Kristiansen, partner og manager i 24SevenOffice
Vi baserer vårt tilbud på en skybasert løsning hvor brukerne knytter til seg moduler med tjenester de selv har behov for, og disse slipper dermed å kjøpe og drifte komplette ERP-systemer for regnskap, CRM, prosjektstyring, timeregistrering og samhandlingsløsninger. Selv om modulene utgjør et komplett og integrert forretningssystem, fungerer alle modulene også som selvstendige systemer med mange smarte integrasjonsmuligheter.
Freddy Kristiansen, partner og manager i 24SevenOffice
Rapportering er et område vi til stadighet blir forespurt om. Ikke bare er dette en uhyre viktig funksjon for bedrifter, men rapportenes oppbygging, databruk og omfang varierer utrolig mye. BizView24 har en fleksibilitet - og en prisstruktur - som passer som hånd i hanske med vårt konsept, og det var derfor naturlig at vi søkte en integrasjon mellom BizView og 24SevenOffice.
Freddy Kristiansen, partner og manager i 24SevenOffice
Med BizView24's analyseverktøy har vi gjort det enklere enn noen gang å anvende data fra 24SevenOffice på en måte som kan generere svært spesifikke rapporter, etter brukerens valg.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, daglig leder i Bizview Systems
Fokuset har vært å forenkle alle prosedyrer og rutiner. Vi har blant annet gjort det mulig å enkelt distribuere rapportene videre til andre brukere i organisasjonen med kun noen få tastetrykk.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, daglig leder i Bizview Systems
We are delighted to be working with BizView, and are already impressing our clients with its capabilities. BizView offers a business planning and modelling platform that is powerful, connectable and flexible, and exceptionally well-priced for our agency focused market. With no new language to be learned – your Excel skills seeing you go a long way, agencies can effectively keep their spreadsheets, but input and analyze data in an accessible data-based controlled environment. We see this as the start of a long and enjoyable UK to global journey.
Chris Lever, Agency DNA Principal
We really feel we have hit the bulls-eye with this partner! Very competent and with a strong presence in a specific market segment. Agency DNA will be key for building our international business, starting in the UK and helping their customers with their planning and consolidation needs. This partnership also proves that BizView can fill a gap among all the competition thanks to the positioning and ease of implementation.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview Systems
The partnership with Bizview really strengthens our offering in many of our business areas. Certainly in the ERP segment with Microsoft Dynamics AX, and especially within our successful effort in the business intelligence area together with the Microsoft Business Intelligence platform.
Jan Mentzer, Managing Director at Accigo
This partnership means a lot to us. We revitalize the partnership with one of Scandinavia’s premier Microsoft solution providers. With the deep insight and knowledge about all aspects of an ERP / BI solution, we are convinced Accigo will fully take BizView to heart and make it an important part of their successful customer offerings. In addition I am very intrigued by how Accigo implements solutions and conducts their business. Everyone focuses on its customers, but Accigo takes it to a new level with its Harmony program.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program at Bizview Systems
We recently adopted the BizView tool in our organization and are amazed at its capabilities. We have managed to save time, cumbersome processes and eliminate unnecessary errors that creep while working with numbers that are gathered from multiple sources to get a bird’s eye-view of the business.
Adrian Haddow, Financial Director
We especially enjoy the ease of use while manipulating content to view the state of Swagelok South Africa’s financial position and forecasting options. This tool also allows us to be more transparent in empowering our associates by providing them unrestricted access and allowing them to view ‘live’ results of their sales progress, improvements or shortfalls. This allows them to make the necessary adjustments to their work and helps them have more control on outcomes. Overall, this is the best tool that we have come across in the market. It is dynamic, user-friendly and very efficient.
Adrian Haddow, Financial Director
The implementation will be a reference for future South African customers, and plans are also being made to take the solution globally within Swagelok. We are extremely happy with the solution our partner BlueViewConsulting has been able to provide the customer with, and it proves that our concept of working together with skilled partners, can satisfy various customer needs and create very happy BizView customers.
Jens Karlsson, VP Global Partner Program
The strength with BizView is to be able to create almost any kind of solution. It is made possible by the Excel-like input forms in the web browser, with advanced logic, combined with a central database for storing of data. It provides centralized control and effective planning processes.
Erik Lidman, Development Manager
We have in previous versions of the budgeting system worked long with the county council and their needs related to budgeting. That experience has come in handy when implementing BizView.
Leif Lindgren, Project Manager at Evry
Det er en naturlig konsekvens av vår suksess med BizView at vi velger å endre selskapets navn til det samme, NCG Group blir nå Bizview Systems. Året som gikk ga oss en rekke nye kunder og partnere på flere kontinenter, og en utvikling vi er trygge på vil fortsette også de neste årene. Vi skal derfor styrke merkevaren BizView på alle plan, og tar skrittet fullt ut ved å endre navnet på selskapet til Bizview Systems.
Oskar Kristiansen, styreleder
With BizView 7.0, we can combine simplicity, flexibility and very strong functionality to support them in the most cost effective way we have never seen before among similar systems.
Göran Stridbeck, Managing Director at NCG Sweden
There is a common denominator for all BizView customers. Regardless of sector and business, public or private, they need to develop and improve their operations. It's all about taking control and planning their operations in an increasingly competitive world.
Lars Fjellbirkeland, Managing Director
Access to new markets, new partners and new customers confirms that BizView emerges as something unique in the market
Oskar Kristiansen, CEO
With the new version of BizView, we enter a new and challenging phase. Our strategic alliances with partners will ensure that QlikView users worldwide will hear more about BizView for QlikView.
Oskar Kristiansen, CEO
With BizView we can combine functionality in the same class as the largest systems in the world with simplicity and speed of deliveries and solutions that previously only small standard systems could deliver.
Rune Kristiansen, MBA
BizView's strong sales in the market is due to that BizView is a fully scalable software capable of handling the needs from small companies to large and complex global companies, this makes BizView a unique product in today's market in the areas of budgeting, forecasting, reporting, OLAP / analytics, dashboard and consolidation.
Alf Slettemoen, Senior Consultant
This is a unique opportunity for BlueViewConsulting. With BizView we are equipped with what we believe is the best tool within the area of Performance Management and Business Intelligence. The market for tools like this is growing and the need is immense. With BizView we can support our clients with state-of-the-art solutions to a cost earlier unheard of!
Gary Ballentine, Principal Partner BlueViewConsulting
With BizView, as an integral part of the iFood solution, we can offer the market a solution in absolute world-class with features such as performance reporting, kpi’s, dashboards, demand forecasts, traditional budgeting, financial forecasting, ad hoc reporting and analysis provides iFood with unique additional features for customers.
Geir Elvestad, Sales Manager at iStone Dynamics Norway
BizView is an important part of our efforts to lead and simplify the market forecasting process. The forecasting result is crucial for long term plans and decisions.
Global BMI&S Tool Director at Electrolux AB
This is a unique opportunity for Velocity Solutions. With BizView we are equipped with what we believe is the best tool within the area of Performance Management and Business Intelligence. The market for tools like this is growing and the need is immense. With BizView we can support our clients with state-of-the-art solutions to a cost earlier unheard of!
Ian Whitehouse, Managing Director at Velocity Solutions
The choice fell on one of the most exciting systems in the global market in these areas, BizView, mainly BizView for QlikView and BizView for Microsoft BI. Rana Banerj pronounce on in connection with this agreement that they see great potential for strong growth in coming years, and look forward to put BizView on the map of the most successful solutions in the region.
Rana Banerj, Managing Director at Tridant Singapore