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Segment reporting

Qt Group comprises of one reportable segment that offers software development tools to its customers. The chief operating decision maker of Qt Group is the CEO together with the Group’s management team. Due to the business model of Qt Group and the nature of its operations and governance structure, Qt Group forms one reportable operating segment, Qt Group. The figures of the reportable segment form the figures of Qt Group.

Revenue from products and services

Qt Group has previously reported its revenue as one consolidated revenue figure for the Group.  

In 2017, Qt Group reports revenue from products and services as follows: license sales and consulting, as well as support and maintenance. License sales and consulting comprises of developer licenses, distribution licenses (runtimes) and consulting. Support and maintenance comprises of maintenance fees.

Comparison figures 2016

Revenue by products and services  1-3/2016 4-6/2016 7-9/2016 10-12/2016 1-12/2016
Thousand EUR
License sales and consulting 4 435 6 215 4 567 5 855 21 073

Support and maintenance
2 713 2 720 2 900 2 989 11 322
Revenue total 7 148 8 935 7 467 8 845 32 395

Revenue from geographical locations

In financial statements, Qt Group reports revenue from geographical locations by the location of assets as follows: North America and rest of the world.

Qt Group PLC

Board of Directors


CFO Mika Harjuaho, +358 9 8861 8040

Qt Group Plc

Qt Group Plc is responsible for Qt development, productization and licensing under commercial and open source licenses. The Qt offering includes a development environment that enables the reuse of software code across numerous different operating systems, platforms and screen types, ranging from desktops and embedded systems to wearables and mobile devices. Qt is used by approximately 1 million developers worldwide and is the leading independent technology behind millions of devices and applications. Qt is the platform of choice for in-vehicle systems, industrial automation devices and other business critical applications manufacturers, and is used by leading global players in 70+ industries. The Qt Company operates in China, Finland, Germany, Japan, Korea, Norway, Russia and USA with about 200 employees worldwide. The Qt Group is headquartered in Espoo, Finland and is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Stock Exchange. The company’s net sales in year 2015 was 27 MEUR. To learn more visit http://qt.io
