Sök journaliststipendium till Bryssel: Högnivå-konferens om hanteringen av migrationen

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Den 21 juni arrangerar Europaparlamentets talman, Antonio Tajani, en högnivå-konferens om EU:s asyl- och migrationspolitik. Medverkar gör bland annat EU-kommissionens ordförande Jean-Claude Juncker, EU:s höga representant för utrikes- och säkerhetsfrågor Federica Mogherini, kommissionären med ansvar för migrationsfrågor Dimitris Avramopolous, ordföranden för Europaparlamentets utskott för medborgerliga fri- och rättigheter Claude Moraes samt Europaparlamentets politiska gruppledare.

Nedan finner du hela programmet.

Konferensen arrangeras inför EU:s toppmöte den 22-23 juni. Då kommer EU:s stats- och regeringschefer bland annat att diskutera migration.

Du som är journalist kan ansöka om ett resestipendium till Bryssel för att delta i konferensen.  Stipendiet omfattar resa från närmaste flygplats i Sverige till Bryssel och tillbaka i ekonomiklass samt ett schablonbelopp på 180 euro för en övernattning som ska täcka alla andra kostnader som boende, lokala transporter och övrigt uppehälle.

Skicka din intresseanmälan senast den 11 juni till tiia.mustonen@ep.europa.eu

Mer information ger: 
Tiia Mustonen, pressansvarig på Europaparlamentets Informationskontor i Sverige
+46 70 998 96 27


Draft programme: High level conference on migration management

13:30 Registration

14:30-15:00 Opening

President of the European Parliament, A. Tajani
President of the European Commission, J-C. Juncker
President of the European Council, D. Tusk (tbc)
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/ Vice-President of the European Commission, F. Mogherini

15:00-15:30 Introduction

United Nations Special Representative for International Migration, L. Arbour
Director General of the International Organisation for Migration, W. Swing
President of the European Investment Bank, W. Hoyer
President of the European Committee of the Regions, M. Markkula

15:30-17:30 Round table: Managing asylum and migration

Chair: Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home A airs, C. Moraes
Introduction: European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, D. Avramopoulos
Guest: Migration Policy Minister of the Hellenic Republic, I. Mouzalas

Topics for discussion include:

  • Better sharing responsibility for asylum seekers, accelerating asylum procedure; 
  • Addressing legal migration gaps;
  • Promoting integration;
  • Addressing irregular migration;
  • Implementing return decisions;
  • Ensuring coherence with the Union’s human rights policy.

15:30-17:30 Round table: Promoting stability and prosperity in third countries
(in parallel, in room PHS 3C50)

Chair: Chair of the Committee on Development, L. McAvan
Introduction: European Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, J. Hahn

Topics for discussion include:

  • Fostering economic and cultural diplomacy to ensure prosperity, tackling root causes;
  • Addressing humanitarian needs;
  • Helping partners prevent or manage crises on their own;
  • Enhancing third countries’ capacity building in border management and asylum; 
  • Ensuring coherence with the Union’s human rights policy;
  • Ensuring democratic scrutiny of international cooperation tools.

17:30-18:30 Round table: Strengthening the EU’s internal security

Chair: Member of the European Parliament A. Diaz de Mera
Introduction: European Commissioner for Security Union, J. King

Topics for discussion include:

  • Securing the Schengen area, preserving freedom of movement;
  • Improving exchange of information between national authorities, between EU agencies and national authorities, and from national authorities to EU databases;
  • Dismantling networks of criminal smugglers.

18:30-19:30 Closing session, with the leaders of the political groups

