Camfil Farr launch standards campaign - When it comes to air filtration is standard good enough?

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Camfil Farr is a global manufacturer of air filtration equipment and associated services and the world leader in the production and development of air filters.   They recently launched a campaign to promote the EN 779 : 2012 standard which forces air filters to perform better, and the fact that not all HVAC air filters are the same – even when they are in the same class.

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MORE THAN 50% BETTER THAN STANDARD - This year, the new European test standard for air filters (EN779:2012) comes into force. It states the air filter’s filter class based on the lowest cleaning efficiency – also called the minimum efficiency (ME). The new standard is good news, as poorer filters will now disappear from the market. Many electrostatically charged synthetic media filters can show a good initial cleaning efficiency, but they discharge quickly and result in impaired air quality.

At the start of the year, a classification was released showing the link between the filter’s energy efficiency and its cleaning capacity. This is called the Energy Efficiency Classification and is based on the test values from EN779:2012, with the energy classes A to G, where “A” stands for the lowest energy consumption and “G” for the highest.

For an air filter to be approved as an F7 filter, the new standard requires a cleaning efficiency of at least 35% for 0.4 μm particles. At Camfil Farr, we don’t think the standard’s demand for cleaning efficiency is high enough. For example, our Hi-Flo XLT7 filter is not only A-classed but it also has a cleaning efficiency as high as 54%. With our filter, you therefore get a result that is more than 50% better than that demanded by the standard. So don’t do like Stan and make do with standard. Always take an extra look at the cleaning efficiency when you are choosing filters because it will determine the air quality you obtain at the end of the day.

Read more about the new standard EN779:2012 (PDF)


Now it is easier for you to find a filter that meets both requirements for energy efficiency as well as indoor air quality.  Eurovent’s new, classification system for energy and efficiency presents the filter’s yearly energy needs as well as the initial and lowest efficiencies.

The classification is based on the European standard, with energy classes from A to G – where “A” stands for the lowest energy consumption and “G” for the highest. The values shown on the label are calculated on the basis of the European test standard EN779:2012.

You should also take an extra look at what the figures actually show. The standard only requires an F7 filter to have a minimum of 35% cleaning efficiency. We don’t think that is good enough. For example, our Hi-Flo XLT7 filter is not only A-classed but it also has a cleaning efficiency as high as 54%.

Read more about Eurovent’s energy and air classification (PDF) »


Unfortunately, today’s world is more polluted than ever before. Some air pollutants are easy for us to detect: from chimneys, from car exhausts and ordinary cigarette smoke. Others are more difficult to notice. Common to them all is that they are in our surroundings and that they affect our health negatively. For this reason, you should use a good air filter with a high cleaning efficiency, if only for the sake of your health.

With a high cleaning efficiency, the air is kept clean and free from dirty particles. Studies have shown that people who live and work in surroundings with high IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) do better in the workplace and raise their productivity by up to 10%, at the same time as they are more alert and healthy.

Camfil’s low energy filters have a low pressure drop and they deliver the greatest energy saving – without compromising on indoor air quality.

Read more about the standard and the campaign at

Is this you?  Take our test and find out if you are Stan – the standard man – or if you are a person who appreciates a bit more quality in life. Take the test here

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Representatives from Camfil Farr are available for media interviews and speaking opportunities. 

For more information on Camfil Farr contact: Kirstie Colledge, SMPR (Simply Marcomms Limited), 18 Generator Hall, Electric Wharf, Coventry, CV1 4JL, Tel: 0870 199 4044, Email:

If you would like to be added to the PR distribution list for future news or to arrange an interview, contact or call 0870 199 4044.

About Camfil Farr

Camfil Ltd is the UK subsidiary of Camfil AB which trades as Camfil Farr or the Camfil Farr Group.  Camfil Farr is a world leader in the development and production of air filters and clean air solutions.  Camfil Farr is also one of the most global air filtration specialists in the world with 23 production units and research and development centres in four countries in the Americas, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region.

Camfil Farr, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, has approximately 3,350 employees and sales in the region of SEK 4.6 billion (c. £440 million).  International markets account for almost 90% of sales.  The company’s business is to provide customers with sustainable best-in class air filtration products and services within four main segments: Comfort Air; Clean Processes; Power Systems; and Safety and Protection. 

With 47 years of experience in air filtration products and solutions, Camfil Farr delivers value to customers all over the world while contributing to something essential to everyone – clean air for health, wellbeing and performance.




Quick facts

MORE THAN 50% BETTER THAN STANDARD - This year, the new European test standard for air filters (EN779:2012) comes into force.
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The Energy Efficiency Classification is based on the test values from EN779:2012
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Many electrostatically charged synthetic media filters can show a good initial cleaning efficiency, but they discharge quickly and result in impaired air quality.
Bill Wilkinson, Managing Director, Camfil Farr UK