Carl-Magnus Månsson commences as President and CEO of Acando June 1st 2009

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Acando has the pleasure to announce the start of Carl-Magnus Månsson.

Carl-Magnus Månsson commences as President and CEO for Acando June 1st 2009. Bengt Lejdström continues as Acting CEO until that date.

“A part of my role as CIO has been to identify and implement improvements by combining an understanding for the business and the power of IT. Acando’s unique position in these areas with a focus on delivering measureable results in every customer assignment is a fantastic environment to work in. I look forward to continue developing Acando together with employees and in close dialogue with our customers”, says, commencing President and CEO Carl-Magnus Månsson.

Carl-Magnus has a 19 year long career within Ericsson and his most recent position was as CIO for the Ericsson Group.

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