ÅF recruits Alice Bah Kuhnke as VP Sustainability & CSR

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For further information, please contact:

Jonas Wiström, President/CEO                      +46 (0)70-608 12 20
Alice Bah Kuhnke, VP Sustainability & CSR         +46 (0)73-256 16 85
Viktor Svensson, Director, Corporate              +46 (0)70-657 20 26

ÅF is recruiting Alice Bah Kuhnke to reinforce the company's offer to
its clients and strengthen the company's profile in its work with
environmental issues and corporate social responsibility (CSR)."We are raising our sights in terms of sustainability and CSR. Green
issues will be high on the agenda for ÅF and our clients for many
years to come," says ÅF's President, Jonas Wiström. "ÅF is one of
Europe's leading technical consulting companies in climate-related
issues, but we can be even better still at coordinating, packaging
and communicating our skills and expertise to clients. Alice Bah
Kuhnke is absolutely the right person to lead this work."

The position involves working actively to increase the number of
climate-oriented projects in which ÅF is engaged. ÅF has several
hundred consultants who are specialists in environmental and
climate-related services. It also includes raising the company's
profile internally as far as sustainability and CSR are concerned.

Alice Bah Kuhnke has extensive experience of sustainability issues
and was one of those who pioneered the idea of corporate social
responsibility in Sweden. She joins ÅF from Sektor3, a think-tank for
civil society. Previously Alice Bah Kuhnke was Secretary General for
Faitrade Sweden.

Alice Bah Kuhnke will take up her new, full-time position at ÅF on 1
September."The challenges that we are faced with as a result of climate change
are enormous," says Alice Bah Kuhnke. "Increased awareness among
individuals plays its part and political guidelines are also
important, but, in the final analysis, it is trade and industry that
will ultimately decide the outcome. I'm joining ÅF because I want to
be part of the solution."

Alice Bah Kuhnke will be based in Stockholm in ÅF's new headquarters,
one of the most energy-efficient office buildings in Sweden and the
first in any of the Nordic countries to receive "Green Building"

ÅF is a leader in technical consulting, with expertise founded on
more than a century of experience.
We offer highly qualified services and solutions for industrial
processes, infrastructure projects and the development of products
and IT systems. We are also a leading name in testing and inspection.
Today ÅF has 4,500 employees. Our base is in Europe, but our business
and our clients are found all over the world.


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