Alpcot Agro announces prospectus for the rights offering

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Alpcot Agro AB (publ) hereby announces the publication of the prospectus for the rights offering. The prospectus has been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. On 24 November 2009, the Board of Directors of Alpcot Agro AB (publ) (“Alpcot Agro” or the “Company”) announced its resolution to, by virtue of an authorisation from the General Meeting held on 13 May 2009, issue shares with preferential rights for existing shareholders. Assuming full subscription in the rights offering, the total proceeds will amount to approximately SEK 235 million before transaction costs. The Board of Directors of Alpcot Agro has prepared a prospectus regarding the rights offering, the Swedish language version of which has been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority today, 15 December 2009. All shareholders with share holdings directly registered in Euroclear Sweden AB (”Euroclear”) on the record date 15 December 2009 will receive a prospectus, a pre-printed issue account statement and an application form by post on or about 18 December 2009 to the address registered in Euroclear. Shareholders whose holdings of shares are registered with a nominee bank or other nominee will receive information and instructions directly from their bank or nominee. The prospectus will be available on Alpcot Agro’s website and on Carnegie’s website The printed prospectus will also be available at Alpcot Agro’s offices at Birger Jarlsgatan 2, in Stockholm, Sweden after 18 December 2009, and can be ordered by e-mail The subscription rights will be traded on the NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm during the period 21 December 2009 – 12 January 2010. As from 21 December, 2009, paid subscription shares (“BTA”) will be traded on First North. Trading will continue until 18 January, 2010. Subscription for shares shall be effected through payment during the period 21 December 2009 – 15 January 2010. After expiration of the subscription period, remaining subscription rights will be void and without value. Application for non-preferential subscription shall be made on a separate application form. The application forms must be received by Carnegie, Transaction Support, on 15 January 2010, at the latest. See the prospectus for further information. The shareholders Andra AP-fonden and Tredje AP-fonden, together representing approximately 19 per cent of the total number of shares in the Company at the time of the publication of the prospectus on 15 December 2009, have undertaken to subscribe for their respective pro-rata shares in the rights offering. In addition, shareholders representing approximately 21 per cent of the outstanding shares in Alpcot Agro have declared their support for the rights offering and intend to subscribe for their respective pro-rata shares in the rights issue. Stockholm 15 December 2009 Alpcot Agro For further information please contact: Björn Lindström, Chief Executive Officer +44 (0) 20 7518 0530 Joakim Ollén, Chairman of the Board +46 (0) 70 354 24 07

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