Successful bond offering

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Reference is made to the notification sent on 11 December 2009regarding a potential new bond issue by Aker ASA. A NOK 500 millionsenior unsecured bond issue with expected maturity date on 17December 2012 has now successfully been completed. Settlement date isexpected to be 17 December 2009.

An application will be made for the bond to be listed on Oslo Børs.As stated before [link], the proceeds will be used for refinancing ofexisting debt and for general corporate purposes.

In connection with the new bond issue, Aker ASA has bought back NOK145 million in AKER01 with ISIN NO 001025471.7. Subsequently, Akernow owns NOK 286 million of said loan.

Arctic Securities and First Securities/Swedbank have acted asarrangers of the bond issue.

Company contact:Geir Arne Drangeid, Communications & IR, Aker ASA. +47 24 13 00 65

This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
