Det norske is currently drilling four wells

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Det norske oljeselskap ASA ("DETNOR") reported MNOK 57.1 in operating revenues for the first quarter 2009, compared to MNOK 79.5 in the same quarter 2008. The operating loss amounted to MNOK 68.5. In the corresponding quarter last year, the company reported an operating loss of MNOK 37.3. Net profit in the period was MNOK 7.3, compared to MNOK -9.0 for the first quarter 2008. Total exploration expenses in Q1 amounted to MNOK 65.2. Production in Q1 was 176.450 (156.886). The oil was sold at an average price of USD 42.9 per barrel.

For 2009, Det norske has prepared a program for nine exploration wells, all operated by the company. This is the most extensive exploration programme ever carried out by a Norwegian independent. So far this year, Det norske has participated in five drilling operations.

In February, Det norske made a gas and condensate discovery in license 035B on the Fulla prospect. Det norske has an ownership interest of 15 percent in the license which is operated by StatoilHydro. An appraisal well to help decide the size of the discovery is being completed.

In March, Det norske made a gas and condensate discovery in the Freke prospect in PL 029B. After drilling, Det norske has an ownership interest of 20 percent in the license. Data are being analyzed and a possible appraisal well is being considered.

Talisman Energy spudded the Grevling prospect in PL 038 on March 16 2009. In February Det norske increased its ownership interest in PL 038D which includes the Grevling prospect, from 5 percent to 30 percent.

In Q1 drilling at Freke (PL 029B) was completed by Det norske as operator.
Det norske is also operator for the drilling of Eitri (PL 027D) which started April 10. After Eitri, Det norske is operator for Struten (PL 383) and Fongen (PL 380), both planned for drilling in Q2 2009.

Det norske considers there are good possibilities of fast-track and cost-effective oil production. This is relevant for prospects like Hanz, where a discovery has been made, Grevling where drilling is ongoing, and Jetta, scheduled for drilling in autumn 2009.

Det norske oljeselskap ASA has been notified by the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy that the work commitment in production license 364, which includes the Frøy field, has been fulfilled. Consequently the license has received a 10-year extension of the license period to 2019. Two more exploration wells are planned in licenses near the Frøy field in 2009. These drilling operations can establish the existence of new discoveries that can be exploited through the planned Frøy installation.

50 licenses
Det norske has strengthened its position as the number two company on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, also through new allocations of licenses and operatorship.

The company now has 50 licenses, the newest being a license at Loppa Vest, awarded in the 20th licensing round, and it is the operator of 28 of these licenses.

Det norske seeks to prioritize projects near existing infrastructure, where we quickly can create value.
In the North Sea, Det norske has designated four areas of special strategic interest for the company; the Frøy area, Varg, the southern Vikinggraben / Draupne and the Jotun area. In the Norwegian sea, for the same reason, our exploration activities are concentrated around Norne/Draugen og Åsgard.

According to the merger agreement between Pertra and Noil Energy, DNO International ASA reduced its ownership interest in Det norske oljeselskap ASA to 25 percent in January 2009. At the extraordinary general assembly of February 2, 2009, five new board members were elected, including a new chair of the board.

On February 3, Noreco proposed a merger between Det norske and Noreco. Det norske has assessed the proposal and concluded not to enter into merger negotiations.

Det norske will continue an aggressive portfolio management with a special emphasis on potential early oil production. In parallel, the company will assess M&A possibilities, strategic partnerships and other opportunities. At the moment, Det norske is well prepared for strong organic growth.

Investor contacts:
Chief financial officer Finn Øistein Nordam; +47 98 28 93 82
Vice President Investor Relations Knut Evensen; +47 950 77 622


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