Basware to deliver Enterprise Purchase to Pay (EPP) solution to DNA Group

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Basware to deliver Enterprise Purchase to Pay (EPP) solution to DNA

Basware Stock  Exchange Release, April 3, 2009

A Finnish data communication group DNA has made a decision to take
into use the Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay (EPP) solution in the
entire corporation. The value of the agreement exceeds EUR 300 000.
In addition, DNA Group extends its present use of SEPA solution
complying with the Single European Payment Area. The implementation
of the EPP solution will be started immediately.
Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay (EPP) suite includes also the
Basware Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution launched in
2008. CLM supports all corporate contract types. It delivers value
through its integrated purchase to pay process automation that
includes automated handling of contract-based invoices,
contract-based self-billing and automatic handling of purchase orders
based on contract definitions."This is an important agreement for us and it proves that companies
are investing in automation of  financial processes and seek for cost
savings also during economic  recession.  Basware Enterprise Purchase
to Pay solution enables companies to concentrate on their core
business and achieve a fast return on investment," says Ilkka Sihvo,
CEO at Basware Corporation."We wanted to develop our purchase and order processes and
simultaneously seek for cost savings. Basware Enterprise Purchase to
Pay solution meets perfectly our needs," says Mr. Simo Mustila, CFO
at DNA Group.
DNA Ltd is a Finnish telecommunications company providing
high-quality, state-of-the-art voice, data and mobile communications
and TV services to private customers, organisations and corporations.
DNA Group's turnover was EUR 647 million and profit EUR 69 million in
2008. DNA has more than 2.3 million customers.
Basware Enterprise Purchase to Pay solution automates three key
support processes: procurement, accounts payable, and travel &
expense management.
Ilkka Sihvo

For more information, please contact
CEO Ilkka Sihvo, Basware Corp.
Tel. +358 9 8791 7251 or +358 40 501 8251
Simo Mustila, CFO, DNA Oy
Tel. +358 44 2203 300
OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki
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