Organisational changes in Birdstep Technology

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(Oslo, 16 November 2009) Birdstep Technology ASA today announced an organisational restructuring of the company, aiming at further enhancing the market opportunities for EasyConnect and SafeMove.

- Birdstep and the mobile broadband market have changed rapidly since our reorganisation in 2008. I would like to thank my 100 colleagues for their dedication and efforts in the process of developing Birdstep over the last year. Going forward, Birstep is in a position to further enhance growth opportunities for EasyConnect and SafeMove. This reorganisation will enable us to bring strong product offerings to the future demands of the mobile broadband market, says Torbjörn Sandberg, CEO and President of Birdstep Technology ASA. Following the restructuring in 2008, Birdstep Technology has reported as four business areas: EasyConnect, SafeMove, Orbyte and Raima. Effective from 1 January 2010, Birdstep Technology will implement a functional organization, instead of the current business unit structure. In the new organization, Birdstep Technology will consist of EasyConnect and SafeMove, leveraging on the demand for mobile broadband connectivity, security and policy management. A functional organization with integrated engineering, operations, product & strategy, marketing & communications, partner & business development and sales, will give a strong sale and product focus for the mobile broadband market. To focus Birdstep Technology’s WiFi initiatives, Orbyte will be organized and reported as a separate business segment. Raima, providing high-performance embedded databases for in-memory database usage and persistent storage devices, will also be reported as a separate business segment. The business segments will be consolidated in the Group accounts. Birdstep will consider the sale of Raima if the terms and conditions are favorable. - After the reorganisation, Birdstep will better leverage the market synergies between EasyConnect and SafeMove. We believe our competitive advantage in the future market will be the combination of mobile broadband connectivity, with security and policy management, says Sandberg. See enclosed OSE filing including organisation chart in attached PDF. The management team of Birdstep Technology will consist of: • Torbjörn Sandberg, CEO and President • Alex Gundersen, CFO • Maria Good, HR & Admin • Tom Weckström (acting), Engineering • Anders Järnemar (acting), Operations • Stephen Morris, Product & Strategy • Charlotta Målargård, Marketing & Communications • Chris Langridge, Partner & Business Development • Michael Jönsson, EasyConnect Sales • Helena Salmi, SafeMove Domestic Sales • Tim Carter, SafeMove International Sales CEO for Orbyte will be Thomas Rybing and CEO for Raima will be Steinar Sande. Restructuring costs associated with this reorganization are expected to be insignificant.

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