Nominating Committee proposal for decision by the Extra General Meeting on 1 December 2009

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As a supplement to that stated in the notice of the Extra General Meeting, the Nominating Committee of Bure Equity AB (publ), ("Bure"), proposes that: - the number of Board Members to serve until the next Annual General Meeting be five, - the remuneration to the Board Chairman and the other Board Members shall be in the same amount that was decided at the Annual General Meeting on 28 April 2009, - Board members Björn Björnsson, Kjell Duveblad, Håkan Larsson and Ann-Sofi Lodin be re-elected with Björn Björnsson as the new Board Chairman, - Mathias Uhlén is elected new Member of the Board. Mathias Uhlén, born 1954, D.Eng. Professor of microbiology. Since 1992 he is a Member of the Board of Skanditek Industriförvaltning AB (publ). Furthermore he is Chairman of the Board of Atlas Antibodies AB and Member of the Board of Affibody AB, Biotage AB (publ), KTH Holding AB, SweTree Technologies AB, Nordiag ASA and Novozymes A/S, among other companies. Mathias Uhlén is also a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences. Patrik Tigerschiöld resigns as Member of the Board. The resolution regarding the election of new Board Members is conditional upon the completion of the proposed merger between Bure and Skanditek Industriförvaltning AB (publ), ("Skanditek"), to be resolved upon at the Extra General Meeting, and the registration by the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). Until the merger has been registered with Bolagsverket, Bure and Skanditek shall act as two independent and separately listed companies with their current management and board of directors, respectively. The Nominating Committee has consisted of Björn Björnsson (Skanditek), Ulf Strömsten (Catella Fonder), Peter Rudman (Nordeas fonder) and Patrik Tigerschiöld, Chairman of Bure. The Nominating Committee’s proposal is supported by shareholders representing 30 per cent of the votes for all shares in the company. Gothenburg, 17 November 2009 Bure Equity AB (publ) For more information, please contact: Björn Björnsson, The Chairman of the Nominating Committee Phone +46 8 614 00 20

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