Notice of Annual General Meeting of BWG Homes ASA

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The Board proposes the following agenda:
1. Opening of the Meeting. Registration of shareholders present.
2. Election of a person to chair the Meeting.
3. Approval of the notification and agenda of the Meeting.
4. Election of a person to co-sign the minutes.
5. Briefing on the Company's operations and status.
6. Consideration of the Board's guidelines for determining the remuneration of management, pursuant to Section 6-16a of the Norwegian Public Limited Companies Act.7.
7. Approval of the 2008 annual report and annual financial statements.
8. Election of Directors of the Board and of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman.
9. Election of members to the company's Nomination Committee.
10. Determination of Board fees.
11. Approval of auditor's fees.
12. Determination of Nomination Committee fees.
The notice of the AGM, registration form, proxy and Annual Report 2008 are currently being sent to the Company's shareholders. Shareholders wishing to participate in the Annual General Meeting, either in person or by proxy, are requested to complete the enclosed registration form (and proxy) and return it by 4.00 p.m. on Tuesday 25 May 2009. Shareholders may give a proxy to Chairman of the Board Harald Walther or CEO Lars Nilsen.
The Notice of Meeting, Annual Report 2008, Articles of Association and CVs of Directors of the Board and of Nomination Committee members are available on the company's website
Oslo, 4 May 2009
For and on behalf of the Board of BWG Homes ASA
Harald Walther

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