Christmas and chemotherapy

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Hi there Whilst everyone prepares their Christmas goodies some might not be so lucky and might not be able to go to their family gatherings to join in with the festivities. People undergoing chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is an essential treatment for many forms of cancer but its well-documented side-effects are often feared among patients and their loved ones, worried about their wellbeing and quality of life. A low white blood cell count or Neutropenia, a common side effect of chemotherapy, is a blood disorder that diminishes the number of infection-fighting cells which destroy bacteria in the body, leaving sufferers open to developing illnesses such as coughs and colds. Leading oncologist, Prof Karsten Münstedt, Gießen Univeristy Hospital, says, “Neutropenia and mucositis are some of the side effects faced by cancer patients and there is some evidence that suggests that more research needs to be completed on this subject. “It is well documented that honey has anti-bacterial and immune boosting properties but in the case of Life Mel they have managed to create a process using bees that we need to understand scientifically to ensure its efficacy.” Developed with over 30 years of research, Life Mel, made by honey bees, is proven in a number of cases to boost immunity before, during and after chemotherapy. For many, the side effects of this cancer treatment can be devastating, however, Life Mel can offer significant support. Life Mel is 100 per cent natural and has been shown in a significant percentage of people to improve their low white blood cell count. It is produced by honey bees in Israel, which are fed on a specific diet including selected herbs such as Siberian ginseng, echinacea and Uncaria tomentosa. Research published in Medical Oncology and hundreds of personal accounts stand as testament to Life Mel’s success in helping people all over the world to maintain a better white blood cell count while on chemotherapy. If you would like any more information please go to or give us a call on 020 7434 4100. Merry Christmas. Kind regards Johnny Steyn CCD Public Relations 020 7434 4100