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A new Do-It-Yourself cosmetic procedure that can even be carried out on the way to work is being launched in the UK. Oralift Facial Rejuvenation can reverse the signs of facial ageing. Patients have reported results including reduction of wrinkles, more prominent cheekbones and plumped lips – while maintaining natural facial movement. The revolutionary, non-invasive anti-ageing device, which looks similar to a small mouth guard, is worn in the mouth for a few hours a day, every two or three days, to address and delay the signs of ageing. Patients have reported using it while driving, putting their makeup on, watching television and even on the treadmill at the gym. The Oralift has gained international recognition from cosmetic surgeons as being one of the most impressive anti-ageing products and is endorsed by the Dental Practitioner’s Association. The Oralift works to reverse the ‘ageing triangle’ of the lower face: in youth, the base of the triangle is in the area of the cheeks and the point is towards the chin. As jowls develop, the base of the triangle drops to the jaw line and the point is towards the nose. Up until now only facial surgery could reverse this, now the Oralift can achieve similar results, but naturally. Creator Dr Nick Mohindra says the Oralift procedure addresses facial ageing naturally by using the body's own healing capacity, making it pain free when used as directed, and also scar-free. “Oralift increases the space between the upper and lower teeth. When adapting to this new resting position muscles seem to become more toned and trigger the body’s natural healing process, counteracting the effects of facial ageing.” The Oralift is fitted by a dentist and can, when used regularly, produce a dramatic result. Most patients have reported reduced jowls, lines, eye bags and pores, a plumped, even complexion, more prominent cheekbones and fuller lips. The Oralift and initial fitting costs £575. For more information and contact details for your local Oralift practitioner visit NOTES TO EDITORS: Patients also have the option of a Deluxe Oralift Package for £2,500. They are monitored over a year and fitted with a permanent, customised appliance. The difference between the two packages is like going to the gym and monitoring your own progress, or having a personal trainer. How the Oralift was developed: Dr. Nick Mohindra developed Oralift Facial Rejuvenation out of an interest in treating patients with facial pain due to temporal mandibular dysfunction (TMD). While working in this field he developed a theory that many people who had suffered a loss of lower facial height could regain this lost facial height by wearing a simple dental device. His first scientific paper relating to this was published in 1996, and showed that in edentulous people, lower facial height (Ovd: occlusial vertical dimension) could be altered by as much as 20mm, an amount hitherto believed impossible. This research was published in the internationally acclaimed British Dental Journal [1]. His work progressed to treating patients with no loss of teeth, using the same principles of determining lower facial height. He then published another paper showing that when lower facial height is increased by these amounts, the patients looked between 5 and 20 years younger. [2] He also observed that the appliance he used to re-establish patient’s lower facial height appeared to provide an anti-aging effect before the lower facial height was increased permanently. Dr Mohindra has since further refined and developed this simple but effective appliance – the Oralift. The Oralift heralds a new phase in cosmetic medicine by countering the facial aging process without the need for surgery. How Oralift works: The Oralift seems to work using two principles: the healing capacity of the body and the body's remarkable ability to adapt to environmental change. When relaxed, the muscles of the face usually keep the lips together and the teeth slightly apart. The little space between the upper and lower teeth is called the "free way space" and is usually 1-3mm. At this relaxed or resting position there is a minimal amount of electrical activity occurring in the facial muscles to maintain muscle tone. When a patient wears the Oralift appliance, it separates the teeth by an amount much greater than their original "free way space". When adapting to this new resting position (preventing the top row of teeth touching the appliance) muscles seem to become more toned and trigger the body’s natural healing process, counteracting the effects of facial ageing. Dr. Mark Lewis, Director of Research Operations from Eastman’s believes the results are achieved by the appliance inducing a ‘micro trauma’ in the muscle fibres followed by healing. Stretch of muscles induces mechano growth factor as shown by Professor Geoffrey Goldspink’s research[3] Every person is an individual and their regime will be tailored to the way they respond to the treatment. Most patients report benefits from using Oralift, and these include the following: • Reduced lines around the mouth, eyes and face • Reduced bags under the eyes • Increased fullness of the lips • More prominent cheekbones • Tightened and strengthened facial muscles • Improved complexion and hair quality • Strengthening and firming of the jaw line and neck • Closed and repaired pores References: 1. Br Dent J. 1996 ; 180 : 344-348 A preliminary report on the determination of occlusion using the principle of the mandibular position in swallowing 2. Br Dent J. 2002 Apr 13;192(7):363 The effect of increasing vertical dimension of occlusion on facial aesthetics 3. Goldspink G. Cellular and molecular aspects of muscle growth, adaptation and ageing. Gerodontology.1998:15