Fire at the Halsa harvesting plant

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Oslo, 31. mai 2009

Codfarmers ASA’s harvesting plant at Halsa in Meløy. Nordland, was damaged in fire Friday night, 30 May. No persons were injured. Financial consequenses are limeted for Codfarmers. The building, equipement, and additional costs related to processing at alternative locations has a NOK 70 million insurance, assumed to be sufficient. The fish in the waiting pens related to the harvesting plant was not affected and has been moved with well boat to a harvesting plant in Nord-Trøndelag. Further harvesting will continue as planned and customers should not be affected by the incident. With regards to increased harvesting volumes in the second half of 2009, the company has entered into dialogue with harvesting facilities with capacity in Nordland as well as other regions. The company expects that a new harvesting plant can be operational within reasonable time, dependent on the extent of the damage. The cause of the fire is not yet known, but the fire service and the police will start investigating the scene of fire when possible.