Sjukvårdsrådgivning SVR AB signs operating agreement with Cybercom

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Sjukvårdsrådgivningen SVR AB signed an agreement with Cybercom to operate the Swedish Health Services Address registry (HSA), the national directory for Swedish health and social services, and provide associated support services. The three-year agreement has an extension option of one plus one year, and is worth about SEK 1.5 million annually.

Under the agreement, Cybercom will run the national registry as a service, with associated support and add-on services. HSA is an electronic directory for consolidated nationwide information about people, units, and functions in Swedish health and social services. Several national IT solutions use HSA and availability and functionality are critical. It is mainly used for healthcare searches and as the basis for security solutions. “Several interesting tenders were submitted, and we’re delighted with the result of the evaluations and negotiations,” says Christian Elmehagen, HSA procurement manager and administrative director of Sjukvårdsrådgivning SVR AB. “Cybercom’s offer is the most financially advantageous overall. We’re convinced that it will be a skilled, conscientious supplier of HSA.” “HSA is an important part of the national Swedish IT infrastructure. We’re happy and proud to receive renewed confidence to supply this service,” says Alexandra Trpkoska, business unit director at Cybercom Sweden East AB. “This project is an important part of our long-term investment in e-administration, and an important platform for continued development of related e-services.”

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