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Elisa will adopt IFRS 8 Operating Segments standard from the
beginning of the 2009 financial period. Change of reporting applies
to the presentation of financial statement information and does not
affect the Group's earnings or financial position. The standard
requires that segment information be presented on the basis of
internal reporting provided to management. Elisa's internal
organizational and management structure is based on a
customer-oriented operating model. The new operating segments to be
presented are Consumer Customers and Corporate Customers.

The Consumer Customer segment provides consumers and households with
telecommunications services, such as voice and data services. The
Corporate Customers segment provides to the corporate and community
customers voice and data services, ICT solutions and contact center

The segments are controlled by the segment-specific performance
reporting that includes external revenue, EBITDA, EBIT and
investments. Financial items, share of associated companies' profit
and income taxes are not allocated to operating segments. The costs
of production and support functions are allocated to operating
segments on the matching principle. Operations in Estonia are divided
into the Consumer Customers and Corporate Customers operating
segments on the basis of customer accounts.

Segment assets consist of intangible and tangible assets,
inventories, trade and other receivables. Deferred taxes, investments
in associated companies, available for sale investments,
interest-bearing receivables, financial items and income tax
receivables are not included in segment assets. Management reporting
does not include segment liabilities.

The reporting used as the basis for segment information complies with
the Group's accounting principles. The principles are described under"Accounting principles" in the 2008 financial statements.

Key figures for the operating segments in 2008 quarter by quarter:

Consumer Customers:

EUR million          Q1/2008 Q2/2008 Q3/2008 Q4/2008  2008
Revenue                220.9   218.3   225.4   216.9 881.5
EBITDA 1)               66.5    56.3    72.0    72.5 267.3
EBIT 1)                 37.1    26.7    42.1    42.7 148.6
Capital expenditures    20.6    22.2    23.3    35.7 101.8

Corporate Customers:

EUR million          Q1/2008 Q2/2007 Q3/2008 Q4/2008  2008
Revenue                146.1   153.2   149.0   155.2 603.5
EBITDA 2)               41.7    48.4    57.4    56.8 204.3
EBIT 2)                 20.1    26.5    34.8    34.5 115.9
Capital expenditures    17.0    18.5    18.6    28.0  82.1

1) Excluding non-recurring items: Q1 EBITDA EUR 67.7 million, Q2
EBITDA EUR 58.0 million, Q1 EBIT EUR 38.3 million and Q2 EBIT EUR
28.4 million. Q3 and Q4 do not include non-recurring items.
2) Excluding non-recurring items: Q1 EBITDA EUR 43.0 million, Q2
EBITDA EUR 50.8 million, Q1 EBIT EUR 21.4 million and Q2 EBIT EUR
28.9 million. Q3 and Q4 do not include non-recurring items.

Elisa Group's assets on the balance sheet of December 31, 2008,
amounted to EUR 2,031 million, of which EUR 1,143 million was
allocated to the Consumer Customers segment and EUR 781 million to
the Corporate Customers segment. Assets not allocated to segments
amounted to EUR 107 million.

Elisa will continue to report key figures based on the former
reporting segments until the end of 2009 in a table of key figures
released separately from interim reports and financial statement
reports. The former reporting segments were based on the Mobile
Communications and Fixed Network business.


Vesa Sahivirta
Director, IR and Financial Communications
tel. +358 50 520 5555

Additional information:
Mr Jari Kinnunen, CFO, tel. +358 10 262 9510
Mr Vesa Sahivirta, Director, IR and Financial Communications, tel.
+358 50 520 5555
Mr Juha Kervinen, Group Treasurer, tel. +358 555 3625

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