Total number of voting rights and capital

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Press release from Össur hf.
                               Reykjavik, 30 November 2009, GMT 22:05

              Total number of voting rights and capital

In November 2009, Össur  hf. has increased its  share capital in  the
amount of ISK 30,750,000 divided into the same amount of shares  with
a nominal value of ISK 1 each:
*          ISK 29,500,000 on 3 November 2009; and
*          ISK 1,250,000 on 30 November 2009
Reference is made to the  stock exchange announcements of 3  November
2009 and 30 November 2009.
At the end of November 2009,  the total share capital of the  Company
amounted to ISK 453,750,000  divided into the  same amount of  shares
with a nominal value of ISK 1  each. Each share carries one vote  and
hence the total number of voting rights is 453,750,000.
This stock exchange announcement has  been made public in  accordance
with Art.  84 of  the Icelandic  Act on  Securities Transactions  No.
108/2007, and Section 6 of the Danish Executive Order No. 1273 of  16
December 2008 on Issuers' Disclosure Requirements.
Össur contact:
Sigurborg Arnarsdottir, IR Manager, Tel: +354 664-1044

Össur  (NASDAQ  OMX:  OSSR)  is  a  global  leader  in   non-invasive
orthopaedics that help  people live a  life without limitations.  Its
business is  focused  on  improving  people's  mobility  through  the
delivery of  innovative technologies  within the  fields of  bracing,
supports, prosthetic limbs  and compression  therapies. A  recognized
"Technology Pioneer",  Össur invests  significantly in  research  and
product   development;   its   award-winning   designs   ensuring   a
consistently strong position  in the market.  Successful patient  and
clinical outcomes  are  further  empowered  via  Össur's  educational
programs and business solutions. Headquartered in Iceland, Össur  has
major operations in  the Americas, Europe  and Asia, with  additional
distributors worldwide.
