Interim Report January – September 2009

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• Decline in sales compared with previous year • Reduced demand, particularly in sectors sensitive to economic fluctuations • Several framework agreements signed with major customers both at Nordic level and in eWork's four national Nordic markets • Implementation of a rationalisation program, which has burdened Q3 results with reorganisation costs of SEK 3.4 million. The program will reduce costs in 2010 by about SEK 21 million compared with 2009. NINE-MONTH PERIOD (JANUARY – SEPTEMBER 2009) • Net sales amounted to SEK 1,228.9 million (1,358.4) • Operating profit was SEK 10.8 million (32.8) • Profit after tax amounted to SEK 7.3 million (24.8) • Excluding reorganisation costs of SEK 3.4 million the operating profit amounted to SEK 14.2 million (32.8) • Cash flow from current operations was SEK -22.2 million (9.2) • Operating margin was 0.9 percent (2.4) • Earnings per share (EPS) after tax amounted to SEK 0.44 (1.49). THIRD QUARTER (JULY – SEPTEMBER 2009) • Net sales amounted to SEK 326.6 million (423.5) • Operating profit was SEK 0,9 million (10.0) • Loss after tax amounted to SEK -0.0 million (profit: 7.7) • Excluding reorganisation costs of SEK 3.4 million, the operating profit amounted to SEK 4.2 million (10.0) • Cash flow from current operations was SEK 13.1 million (-3.3) • Operating margin was 0.3 percent (2.4) • Earnings per share (EPS) after tax amounted to SEK -0.01 (0.46).


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