BlackRock tuo Euroopan markkinoille uuden iShares ETF-tuotesarjan

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Asiakkaiden toivomusten perusteella suunniteltuun tuotesarjaan kuuluu laadukkaita mutta edullisia rahastoja pitkän aikavälin sijoittajille.

ETF-markkinat ovat kasvaneet ja kehittyneet merkittävästi Euroopassa viime vuosien aikana. Viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana ETF-markkinat ovat kasvaneet 23 prosentin vuosivauhtia. Kasvaneen kysynnän johdosta BlackRock tuo markkinoille iShares Core Series -tuotesarjan eurooppalaisille sijoittajille. Sarjan 14 ETF:n avulla sijoittajilla on mahdollisuus päästä käsiksi suosituimpiin kohteisiin edulliseen hintaan.

”Yksityisten sijoittajien ja heidän käyttämiensä välittäjien merkitys ETF-markkinoilla kasvaa. Passiiviset rahastot ovat yhä useamman sijoitussalkun ydin”, toteaa iSharesin Pohjoismaiden toiminnoista vastaavan johtajan Geir Espeskog.

iShares Core Series on suunniteltu pitkän aikavälin sijoitusportfolion ytimeksi, oli sijoittajan tavoitteena sitten pitkäaikainen eläkesäästäminen tai lyhyemmän aikavälin tuoton saaminen.

Tuotesarjaan kuuluu yhdeksän on osake-ETF:ää, joista yksi on juuri julkaistu iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF. Loput viisi ovat korko-ETF:iä. Kaikki sarjan tuotteet ovat fyysisiä ETF:iä.

“Sijoittajat ja sijoitusneuvojat käyttävät ETF-tuotteita yhä enemmän rakentaakseen monipuolisia portfolioita, joilla on matala kustannustaso ja pitkä sijoitushorisontti. ETF:t eivät enää ole vain institutionaalisten sijoittajien työkaluja, vaan ovat nykyään laajasti erilaisten sijoittajien käytössä”, sanoo Rachel Lord, iSharesin EMEA-alueen johtaja.

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BlackRock on maailman johtavia sijoitusten ja riskien hallinnan sekä neuvontapalveluiden tarjoajia institutionaalisille ja yksityissijoittajille. BlackRockin hallinnoimat varat olivat 4 401 miljardia dollaria 31.3.2014. BlackRock auttaa asiakkaitaan saavuttamaan tavoitteensa ja selviämään haasteista tuotevalikoimansa avulla, johon kuuluu erillisiä tilejä, sijoitusrahastoja, pörssinoteerattuja iShares®-rahastoja ja muita yhteissijoitustuotteita. BlackRock tarjoaa myös riskien hallintaa, neuvontaa ja yritysinvestointijärjestelmäpalveluja laajalle institutionaalisten sijoittajien ryhmälle BlackRock Solutions® -brändillä. BlackRockin pääkonttori on New York Cityssä, ja sillä oli noin 11 500 työntekijää yli 30 maassa (31.3.2014). Yhtiö on vahvasti läsnä kaikille tärkeimmillä markkinoilla Pohjois- ja Etelä-Amerikka, Eurooppa, Aasia, Australia, Lähi-itä ja Afrikka mukaan lukien.

iShares on globaali pörssinoteerattujen ETF-rahastojen markkinajohtaja. Sillä on maailmanlaajuisesti yli 600 osake-, korko- ja raaka-ainerahastoa, joilla käydään kauppaa 20 pörssissä maailmalla. iShares-rahastoja ostetaan ja myydään tavallisten osakkeiden tavoin arvopaperipörsseissä. iShares-rahastot sopivat hyvin monille yksityis- ja institutionaalisille sijoittajille sekä välittäjille, sillä niiden kulut ovat suhteellisen alhaisia, ne ovat verotukseltaan tehokkaita ja niillä voidaan käydä kauppaa joustavasti. Sijoittajat voivat ostaa ja myydä osuuksia minkä tahansa välitysliikkeen, sijoitusneuvonantajan tai verkkovälittäjien kautta sekä säilyttää osuuksiaan kaikenlaisilla arvo-osuustileillä. iShares-asiakaskuntaan kuuluu eläkejärjestelmiä ja rahastoja institutionaaliselta puolelta sekä sijoitusneuvonantajia ja suuren varallisuuden yksityissijoittajia vähittäispuolella.

BlackRock launches the iShares Core Series in Europe

Responds to the European ETF market “coming of age”

Range includes high quality, low cost equity and fixed income funds for long term investors

London, 2 June 2014 – BlackRock launches the iShares Core Series for European investors. The suite consists of 14 ETFs designed to provide access to some of the most popular exposures used by investors today, at some of the lowest prices in Europe. 

The launch follows the impressive growth and evolution in the European ETF market.  The industry has grown 23% annually over the last five years[1] which has led to new uses and demand for ETFs, from a wide variety of investors across institutional and retail, and the iShares Core Series responds to this.

The iShares Core Series comprises nine equity ETFs, including the newly launched iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF, and five fixed income ETFs. Some of the funds have had their headline prices reduced and all are physically replicating, purchasing and holding the underlying securities.  

The iShares Core Series is designed as a range of building blocks for longer-term positions at the core of investors’ portfolios.  It is particularly suited to the needs of UK and European financial intermediaries and their clients.  The range can be complemented with iShares ETFs that address investors’ more specific investment objectives - from earning income in retirement to capitalising on market opportunities in the shorter-term. 

The European iShares Core Series follows the launch of a similar Core series in the U.S. in 2012 and the Canadian series launched in March 2014. 

Rachel Lord, Head of iShares for EMEA said:

“ETFs are coming of age in Europe. The industry is at a tipping point for mass market usage. What started as a tool for institutions has now been adopted by a broad spectrum of investors. We are seeing a shift in usage as passive investments increasingly move to the core of client portfolios and investors use them to build low cost and diversified solutions for the long term.” 

“For the iShares Core Series we’ve taken the most popular markets investors want exposure to and ensured our ETFs are attractively priced without compromising on quality.  As the ETF market evolves, our clients’ needs change and we respond; the iShares Core Series is testament to this.”

Geir Espeskog, Head of iShares Nordics, said:

“Retail investors, and the intermediaries and platforms they invest through, will be a key driver of ETF industry growth.  Passive funds are becoming a key starting point for many discussions on portfolio design and the iShares Core series gives advisers the building blocks they need to create cost effective solutions for their clients.”

The European iShares Core Series:

Fund name New (Previous) Total Expense Ratio(basis points)[2]
Europe-wide offering
iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS ETF[3] 10 (15)
iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF2 10 (20)
iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF2 7 (15)
iShares Core MSCI Japan IMI UCITS ETF2 20 (48)
iShares Core MSCI Pacific ex Japan UCITS ETF2 20 (48)
iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF2 20 (40)
iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF2 25
Country specific offering in the UK
iShares Core UK Gilts UCITS ETF2 20
iShares Core £ Corporate Bond UCITS ETF2 20
Country specific offering in Germany, the Netherlands and the Nordics
iShares Core Euro Government Bond UCITS ETF2 20
iShares Core Euro Corporate Bond UCITS ETF2 20
Country specific offering in Germany
iShares Core DAX® UCITS ETF (DE)2 16
Country specific offering in Switzerland
iShares Core SPI ® (CH)[4] 10 (AMC)
iShares Core CHF Corporate Bond (CH)3 15 (AMC)

AMC = Annual Management Charge. iShares Swiss domiciled funds have a variable TER which includes AMC plus variable charges on an annual basis.

All of the iShares Core equity funds are accumulating funds, except for iShares Core SPI® (CH), meaning that income from holdings is automatically re-invested to make managing portfolios easier.

[1] BlackRock data as of May 30th 2014.
[2] New Total Expense Ratios (TER) to become effective on 2 June 2014. New TER for the iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF became effective on 7 April 2014.
[3] As of Monday, 9 June 2014 the name of each of these funds has been amended to include ‘Core’ in their title. For further information please refer to the shareholder letter, dated 2 June, on the ‘All Documents’ section on the funds webpage.
As at the date of this document these funds are named iShares SPI® (CH) and iShares CHF Corporate Bond (CH). The names of these Funds will be amended to include “Core” in their title subject to regulatory approval.


About BlackRock
BlackRock is a leader in investment management, risk management and advisory services for institutional and retail clients worldwide. At March 31, 2014, BlackRock’s AUM was $4.401 trillion. BlackRock helps clients meet their goals and overcome challenges with a range of products that include separate accounts, mutual funds, iShares® (exchange-traded funds), and other pooled investment vehicles. BlackRock also offers risk management, advisory and enterprise investment system services to a broad base of institutional investors through BlackRock Solutions®. Headquartered in New York City, as of March 31, 2014, the firm had approximately 11,500 employees in more than 30 countries and a major presence in key global markets, including North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and the Middle East and Africa. For additional information, please visit the Company’s website at

About iShares
iShares is the global product leader in exchange-traded funds with over 600 funds globally across equities, fixed income and commodities, which trade on 20 exchanges worldwide. The iShares Funds are bought and sold like common stocks on securities exchanges. The iShares Funds are attractive to many individual and institutional investors and financial intermediaries because of their relative low cost, tax efficiency and trading flexibility. Investors can purchase and sell shares through any brokerage firm, financial advisor, or online broker, and hold the funds in any type of brokerage account. The iShares customer base consists of the institutional segment of pension plans and fund managers, as well as the retail segment of financial advisors and high net worth individuals.

Regulatory Information
BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ('FCA'), having its registered office at 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL, England, Tel +44 (0)20 7743 3000, has issued this document for access by Professional Clients only and no other person should rely upon the information contained within it. For your protection, calls are usually recorded. iShares plc, iShares II plc, iShares III plc, iShares IV plc, iShares V plc, iShares VI plc and iShares VII plc (together 'the Companies') are open-ended investment companies with variable capital having segregated liability between their funds organised under the laws of Ireland and authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland. The German domiciled funds are "undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities" in conformity with the directives within the meaning of the German Law on the investments. These funds are managed by BlackRock Asset Management Deutschland AG which is authorised and regulated by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht. iShares ETF (CH) and iShares ETF II (CH) are umbrella funds established under the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) of June 23, 2006, as amended, and are divided into sub-funds. The funds are regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (“FINMA”).

Risk Warnings
Investment in the products mentioned in this document may not be suitable for all investors. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product. The price of the investments may go up or down and the investor may not get back the amount invested. Your income is not fixed and may fluctuate. The value of investments involving exposure to foreign currencies can be affected by exchange rate movements. We remind you that the levels and bases of, and reliefs from, taxation can change.

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Index Disclaimers
"Barclays Capital Inc." and 'Barclays Euro Corporate Bond Index' and 'Barclays Euro Treasury Bond Index' are trademarks of Barclays Bank PLC and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. iShares® is a registered trademark of BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates.The Underlying Indices are maintained by Barclays Capital. Barclays Capital is not affiliated with the Funds, BFA, State Street, the Distributor or any of their respective affiliates.

BFA has entered into a license agreement with the Index Provider to use the Underlying Indices. BFA, or its affiliates, sublicenses rights in the Underlying Indices to the Company at no charge.

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'FTSE®' is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the 'FT') and is used by FTSE International Limited ('FTSE') under licence. The FTSE 100 Index and FTSE Actuaries Government Securities UK Gilts All Stocks Index are calculated by or on behalf of FTSE International Limited ('FTSE'). None of the Exchange, the FT nor FTSE sponsors, endorses or promotes iShares Core FTSE 100 UCITS ETF and iShares Core UK Gilts UCITS ETF nor is in any way connected to the funds or accepts any liability in relation to their issue, operation and trading. All copyright and database rights within the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright and database rights in the creation of these products.

The 0 referenced herein is the property of Markit Indices Limited and is used under license. The iShares Core £ Corporate Bond UCITS ETF is not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by Markit Indices Limited.

iShares funds are not sponsored, endorsed, or promoted by MSCI, and MSCI bears no liability with respect to any such funds or any index on which such funds are based. The Prospectus contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship that MSCI has with BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited and any related funds.

Standard & Poor’s®', 'S&P®', are registered trademarks and 'S&P 500' is a trademark of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and have been licensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. iShares® is a registered trademark of BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by S&P and S&P makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in this product.

The product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd and SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the product. The SBI® is a registered trademark of SIX Swiss Exchange Ltd, and any use thereof requires a license.

EURO STOXX 50® is the intellectual property (including registered trademarks) of STOXX Limited and/or of its licensors (“licensors”), and is used under a licence. iShares Core EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF is not sponsored, subscribed, sold or promoted by STOXX and its licensors and none of them bear any liability in this respect.

iShares Core SPI ® (CH) are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SIX Swiss Exchange Limted and SIX Swiss Exchange Limited makes no representation regarding the advisability of investing in the products. The SPI® is a registered trademark of the SIX Swiss Exchange Limited and any use thereof requires a license.

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