Standard Life Investments laajentaa toimintaansa kansainvälisesti

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Standard Life Investments jatkoi vahvaa kasvua vuonna 2014, esimerkiksi ostamalla Ignis Asset Managementin heinäkuussa. Yrityksen hallinnoitavat varat ovat nyt yli 240 miljardia puntaa ‒ noin 306 miljardia euroa ‒ ja sillä on toimintaa 17 maassa maailmanlaajuisesti.

Kasvun myötä on avattu tai tullaan pian avaamaan 10 uutta toimistoa: New Yorkissa, Los Angelesissa, Torontossa, Münchenissä, Tokiossa, Zürichissä, Tukholmassa, Brysselissä, Milanossa ja Madridissa. Lisäksi Lontoon ja Hongkongin toimistoja laajennetaan.

Tiedote kokonaisuudessaan alla.


Viestintätoimisto Cocomms

Anna-Mari Tiilikainen, puh. 050 558 0888, anna-mari.tiilikainen(at)



Standard Life Investments, the global investment manager of Standard Life plc, has continued to expand significantly during 2014, which includes the acquisition in July of Ignis Asset Management. The business now manages over £240bn of assets and has increased its operational and client servicing footprint, with further investment planned to support continued growth.

Standard Life Investments now operates out of 17 countries worldwide – Canada, Australia, the US, Hong Kong, China, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Korea, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Japan and the UK. The main investment and operations hubs are in Edinburgh, Hong Kong, London and Boston.

Due to this global expansion ten new international offices have opened or will shortly open in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Munich, Tokyo, Zurich, Stockholm, Brussels, Milan and Madrid*. These offices will principally provide closer support to clients.

The business is also expanding its London office plus US and Hong Kong hubs - taking the entire floor of 1 Beacon Street in Boston, and an additional floor in The Gherkin, St Mary Axe. The Paris team has moved to new bigger offices, the Sydney office is in the process of doubling in size, and the Frankfurt team will move to new larger premises in Spring 2015.

Standard Life Investments has also signed a lease to occupy the entire office space available within the new £75m development underway at St Andrew Square in Edinburgh, from 2017. The premises will provide space for over 1000 people in addition to Standard Life Investments’ existing headquarters building at 1 George Street.

Keith Skeoch, CEO, Standard Life Investments said:

“Standard Life Investments has seen considerable global expansion in 2014, both in assets under management and people. This organic growth along with the recent integration of Ignis Asset Management and Standard Life Wealth, plus the global collaboration agreement with Manulife, means we needed to prepare for the future and ensure we have the right strategy for our long-term estate portfolio worldwide.

“The new premises in Edinburgh are just across the road from our existing HQ and will provide our people with the right high quality office environment to foster continued success as we expand our global asset management capability.”


Press Enquiries:

Sara Reed, Press Manager, Standard Life Investments, +44 (0)131 245 2750

Yvonne Soulsby, Press Manager, Standard Life Investments, +44 (0)131 245 2750

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  1. In the Edinburgh deal, Standard Life Investments was represented by Jones Lang LaSalle, whilst the joint venture of Standard Life Investments Pooled Pension Property Fund and Peverill Securities was represented by Savills.

  1. With assets under management of £240.7bn (30/09/14), Standard Life Investments is one of Europe’s leading investment houses.

  1. Standard Life Investments was launched as an investment management company in 1998. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Life Investments (Holdings) Limited, which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Life plc.

  2. Headquartered in Edinburgh, Standard Life Investments’ maintains offices in a number of locations around the globe including Boston, Hong Kong, London, Beijing, Montreal, Stockholm, Sydney, Dublin, Paris and Seoul.  In addition, we have close relationships with leading domestic players in Asia, including HDFC Asset Management in India and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank in Japan.

Standard Life Investments Limited is registered in Scotland (SC123321) at 1 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 2LL.

Standard Life Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Standard Life Investments (Hong Kong) Limited is licensed with and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Standard Life Investments Limited.

Standard Life Investments Limited (ABN 36 142 665 227) is incorporated in Scotland (No. SC123321) and is exempt from the requirement to hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) under paragraph 911A(2)(l) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the 'Act') in respect of the provision of financial services as defined in Schedule A of the relief instrument no.10/0264 dated 9 April 2010 issued to Standard Life Investments Limited by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. These financial services are provided only to wholesale clients as defined in subsection 761G(7) of the Act. Standard Life Investments Limited is regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority under the laws of the United Kingdom, which differ from Australian laws.

Standard Life Investments Limited, a company registered in Ireland (904256) 90 St Stephen’s Green Dublin 2 and is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Standard Life Investments (USA) Limited, registered as an Investment Adviser with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

Standard Life Investments Inc., with offices in Calgary, Montréal and Toronto, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Standard Life Investments Limited.

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* Tokyo and LA will open 1 January 2015, Toronto office planned to open in June 2015.


Viestintätoimisto Cocomms

Anna-Mari Tiilikainen, puh. 050 558 0888, anna-mari.tiilikainen(at)