The next step in the data journey

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Once upon a time data and analytics were considered as purely IT phenomena. The IT department performed their data magic merely to support the “real” business of the company. Now we know better.

– Data and analytics are everywhere in a company, says Emmanuel Raymond, Director, Head of Data Advisory at Tieto. – Everyone – not just the board or executives – makes their decisions based on data and facts. This data has to be properly managed so everyone can make fact-based decisions at a reasonable price.

Everyone can relate to the sales planner copy-pasting data from Mondays to Wednesdays, the data scientist spending half his time to understand the data, or the sales agent ordering the same spare part twice because she doubts inventory numbers. The data must be trusted and understood for a company to enjoy the benefits of digitalisation and data transformation, and this is where the right advice and support can help.

Walk the talk

– The first step in the data journey is to understand where a company is and what they need to do, Raymond continues. – We discuss their needs and, when necessary, help them identify and refine these needs. We help them to prioritise so we have a concrete list of what needs to be done, where we explicitly describe why each task is important to them. Next, we often help them to execute the change. Our role is to make it happen quickly and efficiently.

It is key to reach out to all parts of the company, from the board to IT, from logistics to finance. Everyone might see the data journey in a different way, so it is important to build a common picture.

– Customers define their need. They describe; they prioritise, Raymond says. – Using industry standard frameworks we help them build their big picture and assess how value is created as we progress in the data journey. We help them build the competencies and ecosystem necessary for them to achieve their vision and goals.

Advice + execution

Often companies hesitate to take the first step in their data journey because they are unsure where to start. Sometimes one of their projects derails and they get lost on their way. When there is no progress for a few months it can help to discuss the cost of doing nothing. Raymond says helping to define these next steps is his job.

– Every company is different, and the speed is only half the story – the hidden part of the problem relates to trust, he explains. – When we help companies manage their data so it is trusted then we also see usage grow. As data-driven decisions replace guesswork customers save time and money while creating more value. 

Customers typically ask about

• Agile data transformation (how to start?)

• Data architecture and cataloguing

• Data demand management, requirement prioritization

• Data maturity assessment (where to start?)

• Data platform built

• Data quality management – measurement and remediation

• Data strategy

• How to build an Ecosystem?

• How to get started with data governance?

• How to prepare for a merger, how to execute one “data first”?

• How to set-up and support a data management office?

• Requirement capture and refinement

• Small case addressing any of the topics above…



Text: David J. Cord

Editor Helsinki – yritysviestinnän asiantuntija tuo esille oman alansa asiantuntijat, persoonat ja vaikuttajat
Lisätietoa: Valtteri Rantalainen | p. 040 561 7703 | valtteri.rantalainen(a) I


