Latest updates regarding guidance for travelers, tourists and citizens in Israel

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As the Corona Virus continues to spread around the world, the state of Israel has decided to take active measures in order to try and minimize its spread in the country. The main aim is to keep both the citizens and the tourists as safe as possible. We hope that when this crisis is over we will be able to bring back Israel to be one of the leading and desired destinations as it has been for the last few years.

The following is the daily update as related to the Coronavirus outbreak:

  • As of 12/3/2020 at 20:00, all visitors who desire to enter Israel from everywhere worldwide, must attest that they can go into self-quarantine for 14 days.  This cannot be arranged at a hotel or any other accommodation which is not a private residence.
  • Until 12/3/2020 at 20:00, tourists can enter from the designated countries allowed and entry will be denied to the designated countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Macau, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland and Austria and Egypt.
  • Tourists already in Israel or arriving before 12/3/2020 at 20:00, can continue their travel route as usual as they keep the following guidelines:
  1. If the tourist doesn't feel well, the health responders must be called (101)
  2. Proper hygiene measures should be made 
  3. Public areas that are crowded should be avoided 
  4. The agent or guide should keep an account of all sites visited
  • Land crossings to Jordan will be closed immediately.  Tourists in Israel who have flights from Jordan or vice versa, tourists in Jordan who fly out of Israel - must go to the border 6 hours before the flight with proof of flight tickets.  Please try to avoid use of crossings as there may be difficulties in permission for passage in the near future.

"This situation is not easy. I am aware that it can be uncomfortable not knowing what will be in the future. The whole world is going through the same situation and we can only pray it will be over soon”, says Nira Fisher, Nordic Director of Israel Government of Tourism. 

Johan Englundh, SpoilConcept Communication
Tel: 46 (0)739 82 34 00

Frida Käck, SpoilConcept Communication
Tel: 46 (0)734 12 21 31

Israeliska Statens Turistbyrå har som uppgift att marknadsföra Israel som destination i Norden och att förmedla turistinformation till allmänheten i dessa länder. Israeliska Statens Turistbyrå  arbetar direkt under turistministeriet i Israel. Sammanlagt finns 18 turistbyråer runt om i världen som arbetar med att främja turismen till Israel.

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As the Corona Virus continues to spread around the world, the state of Israel has decided to take active measures in order to try and minimize its spread in the country. The main aim is to keep both the citizens and the tourists as safe as possible. We hope that when this crisis is over we will be able to bring back Israel to be one of the leading and desired destinations as it has been for the last few years.


This situation is not easy. I am aware that it can be uncomfortable not knowing what will be in the future. The whole world is going through the same situation and we can only pray it will be over soon
Nira Fisher, Nordic Director of Israel Government of Tourism