New version of N-visualize, Nepas effective visualization and production tool for evaluating brand effects

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28 June, 2012 – The new version of N-visualize enables you to follow your whole communication process from marketing expenditure, to brand effects and sales, and optimizes the marketing effectiveness.

N-visualize is an effective visualisation and production tool for evaluating brand effects. It offers an opportunity to measure brand metrics and the effects of marketing activity, from marketing expenditure to brand effects and sales. Using Nepa´s tracking data, N-visualize demonstrates brand health and compares it to the competitors – each and every week. The new version of N-visualize is one of the fastest and most user-friendly web tools on the market and gives you the platform to both process the data and make it ready for analysis and interpretation.

“One of the biggest challenges for marketing management is to measure the marketing effectiveness and optimize the return on investment. New N-visualize together with our brand tracking helps our customers to gain a better understanding of consumer path, which competitors are of greatest concern and how to optimize their marketing effectiveness”, says Björn Larsson, Head of Sales at Nepa.

The new version of N-visualize is easy to use and the key focus has been visualization, flexibility and speed. Automatically updating reports reduces time used to handling data and making reports, and reports can be downloaded directly in PowerPoint, Excel or SPSS. The user gets a quick overview how the marketing activity affects the brand’s key indicators and can follow the entire communication process and optimize ROI.

For more information, please contact:
Sweden, Norway, Denmark: Björn Larsson, Head of Sales,
Finland: Taru Möller, Country Manager,
UK: Russell Boyman, Managing Director,
China: Mattias Erlandsson, Managing Director,
India: Mats Isenberg, Managing Director,
Europe: P-O Westerlund, Head of International Operations,

About Nepa
Nepa is a creative company that provides innovative marketing research solutions globally. We strive to deliver insights from different perspectives and we focus on providing actionable results. Our ambition is to enable our customers to make better business decisions, and we do this by being committed to innovation, cost-efficiency and customer insight across our whole portfolio.

Nepa, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, builds research platforms in over 30 markets now. In the last three years we have opened new offices in London, Mumbai, Shanghai, Dusseldorf and Helsinki as part of our rapid expansion drive. We provide media owners, consultants and global advertisers with the insight they need to make the decisions necessary to reach success!




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N-visualize on tehokas visualisointi- ja raportointityöväline brändin jatkuvaan seurantaan. Se tarjoaa kustannustehokkaan mahdollisuuden seurata oman brändin avainmittareita, kilpailijoita ja markkinointitoimenpiteiden vaikutuksia joka ikinen viikko. N-visualize tarjoaa käyttäjälleen pääsyn automaattisesti päivittyviin raportteihin, mikä helpottaa markkinoinnin tuloksellisuuden analysointia ja valitun markkinointistrategian toteuttamista.


One of the biggest challenges for marketing management is to measure the marketing effectiveness and optimize the return on investment,
Björn Larsson, Head of Sales at Nepa