Uusi tutkimus julkaistu: Väärennetyistä vaatteista, jalkineista ja asusteista taloudellinen menetys yli 26 milj. euroa vuosittain EU:ssa

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Press Release
Alicante, 21 July 2015

Over €26 billion and up to 363,000 jobs lost every year in the EU due to counterfeiting of clothes, shoes and accessories

The manufacture and distribution of fake clothes, shoes and accessories (like ties, scarves, belts and gloves) takes over €26 billion every year from legitimate EU businesses.

A new study from the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the EU’s intellectual property agency, shows that the sale of fake clothes, shoes and accessories in the EU equals nearly 10% of the total sales in the sector throughout the EU-28.

That lost revenue translates into 363,000 lost jobs, as the legitimate manufacturers and retailers make and sell less than they would have done in the absence of counterfeiting, and therefore employs fewer workers.

Lue tiedote kokonaisuutena ja tutkimus PRH:n verkkosivuilla: https://www.prh.fi/en/uutislistaus/2015/P_5637.html

