TeliaSonera tekee käteistarjouksen Eesti Telekomista

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TeliaSonera tekee käteistarjouksen Eesti Telekomista Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian alueen johtava televiestintäkonserni TeliaSonera ilmoitti tänään päätöksestään tehdä ostotarjous kaikista niistä AS Eesti Telekomin liikkeelle laskemista osakkeista, jotka eivät ole vielä TeliaSoneran omistuksessa. TeliaSonera omistaa tällä hetkellä 48,91 prosenttia Eesti Telekomin osakkeista. TeliaSonera tarjoaa holdingyhtiönsä Baltic Tele AB:n kautta 111,30 Viron kruunua rahana jokaisesta Eesti Telekomin A-osakkeesta ja 11 130 Viron kruunua rahana Viron valtion omistamasta Eesti Telekomin B-osakkeesta. Muiden kuin TeliaSoneran omistuksessa olevien osakkeiden (51,09 prosenttia) yhteenlaskettu tarjousarvo on 7 827 milj. Viron kruunua (500 milj. euroa). Lisäksi Eesti Telekomin hallintoneuvosto on hyväksynyt yhtiön hallituksen esityksen Eesti Telekomin vuoden 2004 varsinaiselle yhtiökokoukselle 8,00 Viron kruunun suuruisen osingon maksamisesta. TeliaSoneran arvion mukaan osinko maksetaan osakkeenomistajille ennen tarjousajan päättymistä. Yhdessä osingon kanssa tarjoushinta on 12,3 prosenttia yli Eesti Telekomin osakkeen määrällä painotetun viimeisen kahdentoista kuukauden keskihinnan. ?Yksityiskohtaiset tiedot tarjouksesta sisältävä tarjousesite julkaistaan, kun Viron Rahoitustarkastus on sen hyväksynyt. Painettu tarjousesite on saatavilla Hansapankin pääkonttorista osoitteesta Liivalaia 8, Tallinna, Viro. Tarjousaika alkaa tarjousesitteen julkaisupäivänä ja kestää 42 päivää. Viron Rahoitustarkastuksen odotetaan hyväksyvän tarjousesitteen ja tarjousesitteen julkaisun arvioidaan tapahtuvan huhtikuun loppuun mennessä. Tarjous on ehdollinen, ja sen toteutuminen edellyttää tarjouksen hyväksymistä niin, että TeliaSoneran omistusosuus Eesti Telekomin koko osakekannasta Baltic Telen kautta olisi vähintään 85 prosenttia. Tarjous edellyttää myös Viron kilpailuviranomaisten hyväksyntää. TeliaSonera ei nosta tarjoushintaa. TeliaSonera omistaa tällä hetkellä Baltic Telen kautta 48,91 prosenttia Eesti Telekomin osakkeista. Tarjous koskee Viron valtion 27,23 prosentin ja muiden sijoittajien 23,86 prosentin omistusosuutta. Eesti Telekomin A- osakkeet on noteerattu Tallinnan pörssissä (HEX:ETLAT), ja Eesti Telekomin A-osakkeita vastaavat GDR-todistukset (GDR = Global Depository Receipt) on hyväksytty United Kingdom Listing Authorityn viralliselle listalle ja kaupankäyntiin Lontoon pörssissä. Eesti Telekomin osakassopimus on kieltänyt TeliaSoneraa ostamasta yli 49 prosenttia yhtiön osakkeista ennen sopimuksen päättymistä 10.5.2004. Suomalaisen Soneran ja ruotsalaisen Telian joulukuussa 2002 toteutuneen yhdistymisen jälkeen TeliaSoneran tavoitteena on ollut asemansa vahvistaminen Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian johtavana teleoperaattorina. Kauppa on seuraava askel alueen johtavien operaattorien toimialajärjestelyissä. Tarjous on yhdenmukainen yhtiön strategian kanssa, jonka mukaan tilaisuuksia hyödynnetään omistaja-arvon kasvattamiseksi. Tarjoushinta heijastelee niitä synergiaetuja, jotka TeliaSonera arvioi saavuttavansa kaupan seurauksena. Investoinnin jälkeen kaupan odotetaan kasvattavan sekä tulosta että kassavirtaa. Synergiaetuja odotetaan saatavan lähinnä kustannusten ja käyttöomaisuusinvestointien osalta: suurimmat säästöt saadaan hankinnassa, tuote- ja palvelukehityksessä sekä tietoteknisissä järjestelmissä ja infrastruktuurissa. Pitkällä aikavälillä lisähyötyjä odotetaan saatavan lisäksi alueella tapahtuvan yhdentymisen ja yhtiön kehittymisen seurauksena. "Kuten olemme aiemmin ilmoittaneet, yritysostostrategiamme perustuu asemamme kasvattamiseen tai lujittamiseen Pohjoismaissa ja Baltiassa. Eesti Telekomin omistusosuuden kasvattaminen on hyvä esimerkki tästä. Vahvistamme asemaamme alueella, ja molemmat yhtiöt hyötyvät siitä. Kun Eesti Telekom ja TeliaSonera toimivat yhteisellä pohjalla, sekä kuluttaja- että yritysasiakkaat hyötyvät paremmasta palvelusta ja laajemmasta tuotevalikoimasta. Uskon, että tällä on suuri merkitys yhä enenevässä määrin yhdentyvän Pohjoismaiden ja Baltian alueen kehitykselle", sanoo TeliaSoneran toimitusjohtaja Anders Igel. Viron Rahoitustarkastukselle on ilmoitettu TeliaSoneran ostotarjouspäätöksestä. AS Eesti Telekom ja tytäryhtiöt 2003 2002 Kokonaisliikevaihto (EEK milj.) 4 808 4 560 Vuosittainen kasvu (%) 5 % 8 % Käyttökate (EEK milj.) 2 118 2 131 Liiketulos (EEK milj.) 1 237 1 130 Käyttöomaisuusinvestoinnit (EEK milj.) 563 627 Matkaviestinasiakkaita, EMT (000) 492 428 Tilaajayhteyksiä (kiinteitä), Elion 445 465 (000) Internet-liittymäasiakkaita, Elion 51 (000) Muuntokertoimet: 1 EUR = 15,6466 EEK; 1 SEK = 1,7044 EEK Liite: Ilmoitus ostotarjouspäätöksestä. Kutsu lehdistötilaisuuteen Tallinnassa Median edustajat kutsutaan lehdistötilaisuuteen, jossa puhuu TeliaSonera Norway, Denmark and Baltic Countries -tulosyksikön johtaja Kenneth Karlberg. Lehdistötilaisuus pidetään Tallinnassa tänään, 14.4., klo 17.00 paikallista aikaa (16.00 CET), Radisson SAS -hotellin Bremerhaven Roomissa osoitteessa Rävala puietsee 3. ________________________________ Lisätietoja toimittajille antaa/antavat: Birgitta Grafström, Communications Manager, TeliaSonera Norway, Denmark, Baltic Countries, puh. +46-(0)70-555 00 04 TeliaSoneran lehdistöpalvelu, puh. +46-8-713 58 30 This press release may not be published, distributed, diffused or otherwise sent in or into the United States of America (including its territories and possessions, every State of the United States and the District of Columbia), Canada, Japan or Australia and it does not constitute an extension into the United States, Canada, Japan or Australia of the offer mentioned in this press release. The offer mentioned in this press release is not being made in the Republic of Italy and has not been cleared by CONSOB pursuant to Italian laws and regulations. Accordingly, persons resident in Italy may not participate in this offer and neither this press release nor any other material relating to the offer may be distributed or made available in the Republic of Italy. This press release does not constitute an offer to buy or the solicitation of an offer to sell any securities pursuant to the offer mentioned in this press release or otherwise. This press release must not be passed on to anybody else. The full terms and conditions of the offer mentioned in this press release will be set out in the prospectus detailing this offer to be published after its approval by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority and, in the case of relevant global depositary receipt ("GDR") holders of AS Eesti Telekom, the instructions which will be made available by Baltic Tele AB to such GDR holders on how this offer may be accepted by them. Relevant holders of shares or GDRs of AS Eesti Telekom may rely only on such prospectus and instructions for all the terms and conditions of this offer. The offer mentioned in this press release is directed only at persons outside the United Kingdom or having professional experience in matters relating to investments and this offer is available only to and will be engaged in only with such persons. Persons in the United Kingdom who do not have professional experience in matters relating to investments should not rely or act on any information included in this press release. The availability of the offer mentioned in this press release may be affected by the laws of jurisdictions in addition to those mentioned above and holders of shares or global depositary receipts of AS Eesti Telekom must inform themselves about and observe any such restrictions. Enclosure NOTICE OF DECISION TO MAKE THE CASH OFFER Baltic Tele AB, registration number 556454-0085, address c/o TeliaSonera AB, Ekonomi, Box 7754, SE-103 96, Stockholm, Sweden, decided on 14 April 2004 to make an offer to acquire all shares of AS Eesti Telekom, registry code 10234957, address Roosikrantsi 2, 10119 Tallinn, not already owned by Baltic Tele AB from all holders of shares of AS Eesti Telekom ("Shareholders") on the following terms and conditions (the "Offer"): 1. Baltic Tele AB and persons acting in concert with Baltic Tele AB: Baltic Tele AB is a holding company belonging to the TeliaSonera group of companies ("TeliaSonera Group"). All shares of Baltic Tele AB are owned by TeliaSonera AB (publ), a company incorporated pursuant to the laws of Sweden with registration number 556103-4249 ("TeliaSonera AB"), which is the ultimate parent company of the TeliaSonera Group. The persons acting in concert with Baltic Tele AB within the meaning of the Securities Market Act of Estonia are the companies controlled by TeliaSonera AB. 2. Number of shares of AS Eesti Telekom owned by Baltic Tele AB and persons acting in concert: Baltic Tele AB owns 67,317,756 A-shares of AS Eesti Telekom, representing 48.91% of the total number of shares of AS Eesti Telekom. None of the persons acting in concert with Baltic Tele AB owns any shares of AS Eesti Telekom or any securities convertible into or rights to subscribe for any shares of AS Eesti Telekom. 3. Description of shares in respect of which the Offer is made: The total number of shares issued by AS Eesti Telekom is 137,644,429, which is divided into 137,644,428 A-shares (the "A-Shares") and 1 B- share (the "B-Share"). The Offer is made in respect of all shares of AS Eesti Telekom not already owned by Baltic Tele AB, being 70,326,672 A-Shares and one B- Share representing 51.09% of all shares of AS Eesti Telekom (the "Shares"). A-Shares are freely transferable shares with a nominal value of EEK 10 each. A-Shares are listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange (HEX Tallinn) and global depository receipts ("GDRs") representing the A-Shares (each GDR represents 3 A-Shares) are admitted to the official list of the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority in its capacity as competent authority under the United Kingdom Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and to trading on the market for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange plc. Each A-Share gives the Shareholder one vote at the general meeting of shareholders of AS Eesti Telekom. The B-Share is a preferred share having a nominal value of EEK 1,000. The B-Share grants the Shareholder the preferential right to a dividend as a fixed sum in the amount of EEK 10,000 and gives the Shareholder one vote at the general meeting of shareholders to vote only on the following issues (a limited right to vote) (i) amendment of the articles of association; (ii) increase and reduction of the share capital; (iii) issuance of convertible bonds; and (iv) merger, division, transformation and/or dissolution of the company. The B-Share is not admitted to trading in any stock exchange or other regulated market. Pursuant to the shareholders' agreement relating to AS Eesti Telekom dated 21 December 1998 the B-Share shall be converted into A-Shares and all rights attaching to the B-Share will cease to have any application on 10 May 2004. In the event the B-Share will be converted into A-Shares during the Offer Period (as defined below), the Offer shall also apply to all A-Shares issued in replacement of the B-Share. In the event any convertible bonds issued by AS Eesti Telekom will be converted into A-Shares and the increase of the share capital of AS Eesti Telekom necessary to effect such conversion will be registered with the Commercial Registry during the Offer Period, the Offer shall also apply to all A-Shares issued in exchange of the convertible bonds In the event any convertible bonds issued by AS Eesti Telekom will be converted into A-Shares after the expiry of the Offer Period (i.e. if the increase of the share capital of AS Eesti Telekom necessary to effect such conversion will be registered with the Commercial Registry after the expiry of the Offer Period), then, within six months after the expiry of the Offer Period, Baltic Tele AB shall purchase all such A- Shares issued in exchange of the convertible bonds for the A-Share Price (as defined below), provided that the Conditions Precedent (as defined in subsection 6 below) will be fulfilled during the Offer Period. 4. Purchase price: EEK 111.30 per A-Share (the "A-Share Price") EEK 11,130 per B-Share (the "B-Share Price") In case the B-Share will be converted into 100 A-Shares during the Offer Period, then the purchase price for each A-Share issued in replacement of the B-Share shall be the A-Share Price. 5. Offer period The period of acceptance of the Offer (the "Offer Period") begins after the approval of the notice and prospectus of the Offer by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority ("FSA") on the date of publishing of the notice and prospectus of the Offer and ends on the date being 42 days from the beginning of the Offer Period (the "Closing Date"). The transaction instructions of the Shareholders wishing to accept the Offer must be registered with the Estonian Central Register of Securities (the "ECRS") by 5.00 p.m. Estonian time on the Closing Date. 6. Conditions for the completion of the Offer The rights and obligations determined by the Offer shall arise in case both of the following conditions ("Conditions Precedent") are fulfilled: a. Baltic Tele AB obtains, during the Offer Period, the approval of the Estonian Competition Board for the acquisition of control over AS Eesti Telekom (permission for concentration); b. Shareholders give acceptances to the Offer in such extent which will result in Baltic Tele AB holding, together with the shares of AS Eesti Telekom held by Baltic Tele AB on 14 April 2004, at least eighty five per cent (85%) of all shares of AS Eesti Telekom ("Threshold Condition"). Baltic Tele AB shall have the right to waive the Threshold Condition not later than on the 10th calendar day before the expiry of the Offer Period. 7. Method of payment of the purchase price and transfer of Shares Baltic Tele AB shall pay the purchase price to each Shareholder who has accepted to sell the Shares to Baltic Tele on the 10th trading day after the Closing Date (the "Value Date") by bank transfer to such accepting Shareholder's cash account connected to his/her/its securities account. Baltic Tele AB shall pay the purchase price to each accepting Shareholder against the delivery of Shares by such accepting Shareholder to Baltic Tele AB (delivery versus payment). The Shares to be acquired by Baltic Tele AB shall be transferred from each accepting Shareholder to Baltic Tele AB on the Value Date interdependently and simultaneously with the transfer of the purchase price for the Shares to the cash account of such accepting Shareholder (delivery versus payment). For the purposes of this document, the "trading day" shall mean the day when the trading system of the Tallinn Stock Exchange (Hex Tallinn) is open for trading. 8. Procedure for accepting the Offer Starting from the beginning of the Offer Period, each Shareholder wishing to accept the Offer should contact the relevant financial institution operating the securities account on which the Shares belonging to such Shareholder are held (ECRS account operator) and register a transaction instruction, in accordance with the terms to be detailed in the prospectus of the Offer, for the sale of Shares to Baltic Tele AB against payment. In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia, on 14 April 2004 Baltic Tele AB has submitted the notice and prospectus of the Offer to FSA for approval. According to the Securities Markets Act of Estonia, the FSA shall decide on the approval of the notice and prospectus of the Offer within 15 calendar days as of the receipt of the respective application of the offeror. The notice and prospectus of the Offer shall be published after their approval by the FSA. The prospectus will be made electronically available on the Internet website of Tallinn Stock Exchange ( and the printed prospectus will be made available at Hansapank's main branch at Liivalaia 8, Tallinn, Estonia. The above-specified terms of the Offer may be changed or specified, if so requested by the FSA. If the FSA decides not to approve the notice and prospectus of the Offer, then the Offer will not be made. All information contained in this document is presented as at 14 April 2004, the date of submission of the prospectus and notice of the Offer to the FSA for approval. Neither the delivery of this document nor the making of the Offer shall in any circumstances imply that the information contained in this document is correct at any time subsequent to the above-referred date or that any other information supplied in connection with the Offer is correct as of any time subsequent to the date indicated in the document containing such information. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tämän tiedon Teille välitti Waymaker, Seuraavat tiedostot ovat ladattavissa:


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