NAET Press release: Annual Meeting elections

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NAET Press release: Annual Meeting elections

The 13th annual meeting for Nordic Association of Electricity Traders (NAET)
was held on the 14th of May held in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

At the general meeting new members were elected to the board.

Petri Eväsoja from Fortum Power and Heat was elected chairman for a period of
two years. The previous chairman Fredrik Öhrneman, from E.ON Energy Trading,
stepped down after working 3 years as chairman and several years as treasurer.
The Board thanks Fredrik's contribution to the work of NAET. 
Ordinary representatives in the board, and not up for election this year and
continuing their appointments, are Pernilla Ademar from Shepherd Energy and
Frederik Husebye from Norsk Hydro. 

Re-elected ordinary representatives in the board are Peter Hjorth Andersen from
DONG Energy and Thomas Nilsson from Barclays Bank. New ordinary representative
in the board is Arnt Pedersen from Salten Kraftsamband. 

Deputies in the board are Knut Stensröd from Merrill Lynch Commodities and Jens
Nordberg from Göteborg Energi Din El. 

At the conference part of the meeting, the theme was “Commodities - what
happens next”. Invited guests came from Nasdaq OMX, Merrill Lynch and
Copenhagen Business School. 

The board of

The Nordic Association of Electricity Traders is a non-profit organization that
was established in 1996 by companies active in the Nordic Power Market. Our
mission is “to make the world's best power market better”. NAET has about 60
member companies representing different kinds of market players such as power
producers, distributors, industrial companies and financial institutions. 
NAET's focus is on two key issues; liquidity and transparency on the Nordic
Power Market.
