Communiqué from Extraordinary General Meeting

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The following resolutions were adopted today, 27 November, at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Global Health Partner: • Warrants program for employees within the Global Health Partner Group The Board’s proposal concerning the issue of share warrants and free-of-charge share warrants, to be used for a warrants program directed at employees within the Global Health Partner Group, was adopted. The resolution means that key personnel within the Group are invited to invest in share warrants in Global Health Partner with a life of 3 years and a strike price of SEK 16. The warrants are priced in accordance with the generally accepted Black & Scholes valuation method. For each warrant subscribed for the employee receives a further 0.5 share warrants free of charge. These free-of-charge warrants can only be redeemed after 3 years and only on condition that the employee is still in the employ of the Global Health Partner Group. • The Board’s proposal for a resolution concerning a directed issue of shares The Board’s proposal for a resolution concerning a directed issue of shares paid for via capital contributed in kind was adopted. The shares issued constitute part of the payment for 49% of the shares in the subsidiary Nordic Dental Holding AB. 27 November 2009 Gothenburg, Sweden The Board

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