Interim report January-March 2009: Promising start of the year

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* Revenues increased by 46% to SEK 126.0 million (86.3) * Result before tax was SEK 2.9 million (-0.4) * Result after tax for the period was SEK -0.3 million (-1.7) * Result per share amounted to SEK -0.06 (-0.06) * Operating result amounted to SEK 3.3 million (0.7) * Operating result (EBITA) for the clinics amounted to SEK 16.9 million (12.6) * Net cash position amounted to 76.2 MSEK (26.7) * Equity ratio amounted to 70 per cent (65) * Three new clinics within Service Line Bariatrics have been started in England, Norway and Egypt Comments from Per Båtelson, CEO: “The year has started well, with good profitability in all the Swedish clinics. Patient intake continues to be good within all customer areas: patients paid for by public funds under care contracts, insurance patients and individuals paying privately. Demand for the care services provided by the clinics remained strong and the ongoing financial crisis and the recession have not been significantly reflected in a decline in volumes. Organic growth continues to be good with a few exceptions and several expansion investments are ongoing in clinics that have reached their capacity ceiling. The largest investment during the period is constituted by a clinic at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm, which will be started during the month of May for the treatment of patients with arrhythmia, an irregular rhythm of the heartbeat. The investment has run according to schedule and budget and is long-awaited by Swedish patients who find it difficult to obtain treatment within their County Council. The development of the British business within the Dental and Bariatrics areas is going somewhat slower than expected, primarily due to the fact that the market for patients paying privately has weakened during the quarter. This means prioritisation of customers paid for by public funds, above all within primary care for obesity patients, and a focus on referring general practice dentists within specialist dental care. Other clinic start-ups are making demands on both financial and human resources. We have a considerably more aggressive project portfolio than in the corresponding period in 2008. Within the obesity area three parallel start-ups are ongoing and all of them are in the early stages. Global Health Partner has a strong financial position with a debt-free Parent Company and a strong cash position. This provides the business with the capacity to continue its expansion strategy in accordance with set targets. The current financial crisis, however, provides for a more cautious approach to capital intensive acquisitions.” 29 April 2009 Gothenburg, Sweden Per Båtelson CEO

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