Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting of GLOBAL HEALTH PARTNER AB (publ)

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The shareholders of Global Health Partner AB (publ), corporate identity number 556757-1103, are hereby invited to attend an Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday 27 November 2009 at 1 p.m. on Global Health Partner’s premises at Östra Hamngatan 26-28, 411 09 Gothenburg.

Registration Shareholders who wish to attend the meeting must be recorded in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly VPC AB) on Saturday 21 November 2009 (as the record day falls on a Saturday, shareholders must be recorded in the share register no later than Friday 20 November 2009), and give notice of intent to attend no later than 4 p.m. on Friday 20 November 2009. Notice of intent to attend can be given either in writing to Global Health Partner AB (publ), Östra Hamngatan 26-28, 411 09 Göteborg, Sweden, by telephone (+46 31-712 53 03), by fax (+46 31-313 13 21) or by e-mail, at the same time stating the number of advisors who will also attend. Notice should include the shareholder’s name, personal or corporate identity number, address and telephone number, and the number of shares held. Shareholders represented by proxy should submit the proxy to the company together with the notice. Anyone representing a legal entity should submit a copy of the Certificate of Registration or similar authorization documents indicating who is entitled to sign on behalf of the company. Proxy forms in Swedish and English are available at the company or on the company website, Shareholders that have their shares registered in the name of a nominee must, in addition to giving notice of their intent to attend the meeting, be temporarily recorded in the share register in their own names (so-called voting rights registration) to be able to attend the meeting. In order for such registration to have been effectuated by Saturday 21 November 2009 at the latest, shareholders should contact their bank or trustee well in advance of that date. Agenda 1. Opening of the Extraordinary General Meeting. 2. Election of Chairman of the meeting. 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list. 4. Approval of the voting list. 5. Election of one or two people to verify the minutes. 6. Determination as to whether the meeting has been properly convened. 7. The Board’s proposal for a resolution concerning a directed issue of share warrants. 8. The Board’s proposal for a resolution concerning a directed issue of free-of-charge share warrants. 9. The Board’s proposal for an issue of shares paid for via capital contributed in kind. 10. Closing of the meeting. Proposals for resolutions The Board has put forward the following proposals for resolutions: Agenda item 7. Issue of share warrants The Board proposes that the meeting adopts a resolution that the Company shall issue a maximum of 1,235,000 share warrants that entitle holders to subscribe for 1,235,000 new shares in the Company, on the following conditions: 1. The issued share warrants shall, in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, only be able to be subscribed for by Global Health Partner Swe AB, corporate identity number 556694-4178, a wholly- owned subsidiary of the Company (“the Subsidiary”). Subscription for the share warrants shall be in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix A. The Subsidiary shall thereafter, in accordance with instructions received from the Company Board, transfer the share warrants to persons of great value for the Company’s future development as part of an incentives program drawn up by the Company. The share warrants shall be divided up among those entitled to subscribe as follows: CEO 60,000 Senior management team and other senior managers 440,000 Key persons 550,000 The Subsidiary shall use the remaining 185,000 share warrants as a hedge in accordance with the following method: In order to manage the Group’s exposure to a future outflow of social security contributions due to the Free-of-charge Share Warrants, in accordance with the proposal below, the Subsidiary subscribes for 185,000 share warrants. The profit from these will as far as possible match the cost for the social security contributions. However, the profit can only be realized if the warrants are transferred to an outside party who claims his right to the warrants and all of the surplus that the outside party receives upon a sale is credited to the Company. In such cases, and provided that the outside party receives payment for the shares claimed with the aid of the hedge warrants whose value is not less than the share price at the time they are claimed, the Group will not be exposed to either an income statement effect or a cash-flow effect. 2. The Board proposes that the meeting approves that the corresponding conditions applied when subscribing for share warrants in accordance with Appendix A shall also apply when the Subsidiary transfers share warrants to persons included in the incentives program. The Board shall thereby execute transfers in accordance with the conditions determined by the meeting and therefore has no room for manoeuvre. 3. Subscription for the share warrants shall be noted directly in the minutes kept at the meeting. 4. When share warrants are subscribed for the Subsidiary shall not make any payment to the Company. When the Subsidiary transfers share warrants to persons included in the incentives program these persons shall pay for the share warrants in line with market rates. As there is no established market value for the share warrants, market conditions shall be determined with the aid of calculations in accordance with the generally accepted Black & Scholes valuation method. 5. Each share warrant gives the holder the right to one new share in the Company. The share warrants shall have a life of three (3) years as from 1 December 2009 up until 30 November 2012. Subscription for a share with the aid of a share warrant can take place during the period 1 Dec 2011 up until 30 November 2012. 6. The issue price when subscribing for a share through use of a share warrant shall be SEK 16. 7. The increase in the Company’s share capital will, upon full subscription through use of the share warrants, amount to SEK 1,235,000, of which SEK 185,000 shall be used as a hedge. The maximum dilution effect upon full subscription and full utilization of all share warrants amounts to approximately 1.87 percent of the Company’s registered share capital and approximately 1.87 percent of the number of votes. Excluding the warrants that are to be used as a hedge, the maximum dilution effect amounts to 1.59 percent of the share capital and of the number of votes. Important key ratios will be affected no more than as follows: Effect on key ratios New share issue payments to the Company: 1,235,000 x 16 = SEK 19,760,000 Effect on Net result per share: 0 / 66,051,074 = 0 kr Effect on Shareholders’ equity per share: 21,686,600 / 66,051,074 = SEK 0.33 8. Implementation of the program will only entail additional administrative expenses to a very minor degree. 9. The new shares shall entitle shareholders to a dividend for the first time as from the financial year when the shares are subscribed for. 10. The Board is authorized to make any minor adjustments to this resolution that may be necessary in connection with registration of the issue with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and with Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly VPC AB). The reasons for deviation from shareholders’ pre-emptive rights are as follows. The Board has assessed that it is to the benefit of the Company and its shareholders that senior managers and key persons become involved in the Company’s development through an offer being made to them to subscribe for share warrants. A personal and long-term commitment on the part of those entitled to subscribe can be expected to stimulate increased interest in the business and the development of the company’s results, and heighten motivation and the feeling of solidarity with the Company. The reason that the Subsidiary shall subscribe for share warrants is that the Subsidiary will then be able to transfer the share warrants to people who are included in the incentives program or who otherwise will be included in the incentives program at some later point in time than the decision concerning the issue. For the above-mentioned resolution to be adopted it is necessary that the resolution is supported by shareholders with at least nine tenths (9/10) of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting. Agenda item 8. Issue of free-of-charge share warrants The Board proposes that the meeting adopts a resolution that the Company shall issue a maximum of 525,000 share warrants that entitle holders to subscribe for 525,000 new shares in the Company (“Free-of-charge Share Warrants”), on the following conditions: 1. The issued Free-of-charge Share Warrants shall, in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, only be able to be subscribed for by Global Health Partner Swe AB, corporate identity number 556694-4178, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (“the Subsidiary”). Subscription for the Free-of-charge Share Warrants shall be in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix B. The Subsidiary shall thereafter, in accordance with instructions received from the Company Board, transfer the share warrants to persons of great value for the Company’s future development as part of an incentives program drawn up by the Company. Those entitled to receive Free-of-charge Share Warrants shall be those persons who through an agreement with the Subsidiary acquire share warrants in accordance with the Board’s proposal for an issue of a maximum of 1,235,000 share warrants (see above). Such persons acquiring share warrants shall, for each lot of two (2) acquired share warrants receive (1) Free-of-charge Share Warrant. The share warrants that are to constitute a hedge will not entitle holders to subscribe for Free-of-charge Share Warrants. 2. With the exception of the Subsidiary, Free-of-charge Share Warrants will not be able to be transferred to a third party. The person that the Subsidiary transfers Free-of-Charge warrants to shall not be entitled to further transfer them. Utilization of Free-of-charge Share Warrants shall also be on condition that the holder of the Free-of-charge Share Warrant at the time of utilization is still an employee of the Company or one of its subsidiaries (in accordance with the definition of “Group” in the Swedish Companies Act). 3. Subscription for the share warrants shall be noted directly in the minutes kept at the meeting. 4. Free-of-charge Share Warrants shall be issued without payment. When subscribing for Free-of-charge Share Warrants the Subsidiary shall not make any payment to the Company. The Subsidiary shall free of charge allocate Free-of-Charge Share Warrants to persons participating in the incentives program (for each lot of two (2) acquired share warrants one (1) Free-of-charge Share Warrant is received). 5. Each Free-of-charge Share Warrant gives the holder the right to one new share in the Company. The free-of charge Share Warrants shall have a life of three (3) years as from 1 December 2009 up until 30 November 2012. Subscription for a share with the aid of a Free-of-charge Share Warrant can take place during the period 26 November 2012 up until 30 November 2012. 6. The issue price when subscribing for a share through use of a Free-of-charge Share Warrant shall be SEK 16. 7. The increase in the Company’s share capital will, upon full subscription through use of the Free-of-charge Share Warrants, amount to SEK 525,000. The maximum dilution effect upon full subscription and full utilization of all Free-of-charge Share Warrants amounts to approximately 0.80 percent of the Company’s registered share capital (excluding dilution due to the Board’s above-mentioned proposal for an issue of share warrants) and approximately 0.80 percent of the number of votes (excluding dilution due to the Board’s above-mentioned proposal for an issue of share warrants). Important key ratios will be affected no more than as follows: Assumed share price when share warrants are exercised: SEK 23 Effect on key ratios – without hedge Social security contributions: (23 – 16) x -525,000 x 33 % = SEK -1,212,750 New share issue payments to the Company: 525,000 x 16 = SEK 8,400,000 Effect on Net result per share: -2,031,750 / 65,341,074 = SEK -0.03 Effect on Shareholders’ equity per share: 6,368,250 / 65,341,074 = SEK 0.10 Effect on key ratios– with hedge New share issue payments to the Company: 525,000 x 16 = SEK 8,400,000 Effect on Net result per share: -819,000 / 65,341,074 = SEK -0.01 Effect on Shareholders’ equity per share: 7,581,000 / 65,341,074 = SEK 0.12 8. Implementation of the program will only entail additional administrative expenses to a very minor degree. 9. The new shares shall entitle shareholders to dividend for the first time as from the financial year when the shares are subscribed for. 10. The Board is authorized to make any minor adjustments to this resolution that may be necessary in connection with registration of the issue with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and with Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly VPC AB). As there is no established market value for the Free-of-charge Share Warrants, there follows from the calculation given below a theoretical market value calculated according to the generally accepted Black & Scholes valuation method. Suppose that the price of the share is SEK 11 when the Free-of-charge Share Warrants are subscribed for and that the rate of interest is 3 percent. The volatility of the share is at the current time 35 percent and the life of the Free-of-charge Share Warrants is three years. The theoretical market value of the Free-of-charge Share Warrants in such a case amounts to SEK 1.56, and thus the total market value of all Free-of-charge Share Warrants amounts to SEK 819,000 (that is SEK 273,000 kronor per year). The reasons for deviation from shareholders’ pre-emptive rights are as follows. The Board has assessed that it is to the benefit of the Company and its shareholders that senior managers and key persons become involved in the Company’s development through an offer being made to them to subscribe for share warrants. A personal and long-term commitment on the part of those entitled to subscribe can be expected to stimulate increased interest in the business and the development of the company’s results, and heighten motivation and the feeling of solidarity with the Company. The reason that the Subsidiary shall subscribe for share warrants is that the Subsidiary will then be able to transfer the share warrants to people who are included in the incentives program or who otherwise will be included in the incentives program at some later point in time than the decision concerning the issue. For the above-mentioned resolution to be adopted it is necessary that the resolution is supported by shareholders with at least nine tenths (9/10) of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting. Agenda item 9. Issue of shares paid for via capital contributed in kind The Board proposes that the meeting adopts a resolution concerning a new share issue as follows: 1. The company’s share capital shall be increased by SEK 730,164. 2. 730,164 shares shall be issued. 3. The newly issued shares shall, in deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights, be able to be subscribed for by the following legal entities: Name and number of shares Oralyx AB (556649-0065) 365,082 Specialist dentist Roland F Nilsson AB(556523-8283) 365,082 4. For each new share SEK 12.52 (the issue price) shall be paid, through payment in kind via 274 shares in Nordic Dental Holding AB, corporate identity number 556692-7595. 5. Subscription for new shares shall be done on a separate subscription list no later than 11 December 2009. 6. The shares shall be paid for no later than 11 December 2009 via capital contributed in kind being transferred to Global Health Partner AB (publ). 7. The new shares shall entitle holders to a dividend as from the current financial year. It is noted that a resolution concerning how shares are to be allocated in the event of over-subscription is not required and that the new shares, in accordance with the Articles of Association, will not be covered by a pre-emption clause. The reason for the deviation from the shareholders’ pre-emptive rights is that it is desirable to acquire all the shares of Nordic Dental Holding AB and that some of this purchase sum consists of shares in the Company. The above-mentioned proposal means that the Company’s payment for Oralyx AB’s and Specialist dentist Roland F Nilsson AB’s shares in the subsidiary Nordic Dental Holding AB consists of approximately 55.88% shares in the Company and that the remainder of the payment shall consist of cash. For the above-mentioned resolution to be adopted it is necessary that the resolution is adopted by shareholders with at least nine tenths of both the votes cast and the shares represented at the meeting. As the owners of Oralyx AB and Specialist dentist Roland F Nilsson AB, Thomas Nordin och Roland Nilsson, are shareholders in the company neither they nor anyone from the above-mentioned wholly-owned subsidiaries should participate in this meeting resolution, which concerns themselves. Finally, it is proposed that the Board be authorized to make any minor adjustments to this resolution that may be necessary in connection with registration of the issue with the Swedish Companies Registration Office and with Euroclear Sweden AB (formerly VPC AB). Documentation The full proposals for resolutions of the Board and the necessary documentation under the Swedish Companies Act will be made available at the company’s office and on the company website,, as from 6 November 2009 and will be sent to shareholders who so request and give their postal address. Gothenburg October 2009 GLOBAL HEALTH PARTNER AB (publ) The Board

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