Report from Annual General Meeting

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At Global Health Partner’s Annual General Meeting yesterday, April 29, the following, amongst other things, was decided:

* No dividend will be paid for the financial year 2008.

* Re-election of Board members Urban Jansson, Andrew Wilson, Lottie Svedenstedt and Per Båtelson and new election of Karl Swartling, in accordance with the election committee’s proposal. Urban Jansson was elected Chairman also for the coming year.

* Authorization for the Board, for the time up until the next Annual General Meeting, to take a decision on the issue of a maximum of 6,400,000 shares in total, corresponding to approximately 9.9 percent of the company’s share capital.

* The proposed principles for remuneration and other conditions of employment for the senior management were approved.

* The proposal for a resolution on Nomination committee work for the AGM 2010 was approved.

* Approval to change the way to announce the Notice in the Articles of Association, however conditional upon that the wording is consistent with the new wording of the Swedish Companies Act when this has come into force.

April 30, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
The Board

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