Start-up of obesity treatment business in the Czech Republic

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Global Health Partner has started up a business for the treatment of obesity in Prague, and the first obesity operations have now been performed. The Czech Republic has a well insured population where patient flows are directed to clinics with strong medical results. “The Czech Republic is one of the markets that we have identified as interesting and we are very happy to be able to start up this business together with our highly competent partner, Professor Martin Fried” says Per Båtelson, Global Health Partner’s CEO.

The Czech Republic is one of the markets that Global Health Partner has identified as interesting, based on the health care system, the potential for profitability and size. The business is being built up together with Professor Martin Fried, one of the Czech Republic’s most influential surgeons within this field. In order to be able to build up a patient flow, the business is starting in temporary premises, and will then move to premises of its own during Q2 2010. According to WHO the prevalence of obesity is 17% in the Czech Republic, which is higher than the level in Sweden (approx. 12.5%). The number of obesity operations in the Czech Republic has risen rapidly over the past years and is now estimated to amount to more than 1,000 per year. The number of operations in Sweden, which has about the same number of inhabitants, exceeds 3,000 per year. The need in both countries is considerably greater than that. The prevalence of obesity is increasing epidemically in the western world. WHO estimates that close to 150 million people will suffer from obesity in Europe by 2010. These people usually develop different kinds of secondary diseases such as diabetes type II, hypertension and infertility. Both the excessive weight as well as the co-morbidities cause great patient suffering and high health care spending. Studies show that the only successful treatment for obesity is surgery. Global Health Partner's ambition is to create a world-leading chain of clinics for the treatment of obesity, with the focus on surgery. Through strong specialisation, high volumes and co-operation between clinics and between different specialities within each clinic, superior quality and efficiency can be achieved, which is of value for both patients and payors. Global Health Partner already has clinics (Bariatric Centers) for the treatment of obesity in Stockholm and Skåne, in Bergen (Norway), Birmingham (England), Cairo (Egypt), and Helsinki (Finland) and also plans to soon perform obesity operations at the Bariatric and Diabetes Center in Ajman, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in the United Arab Emirates. 9 December 2009 Gothenburg, Sweden Global Health Partner AB (publ)

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