Gunnebo streamlines for increased competitiveness

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As previously announced, Gunnebo Security Group is planning to implement a number of restructuring measures, with the aim of gradually reducing its costs by MSEK 500 up to 2012 and strengthening its market positions.

The restructuring measures partly entail streamlining the Group’s industrial platform. The planning of winding-up of operations at the Group’s plant in Mora, northern Sweden, is part of this programme. 57 employees might be affected. The background is that Gunnebo’s market for products made in Mora has been declining for a number of years. The Group plans to relocate manufacturing to other production units. “Gunnebo is the result of more than 40 acquisitions which have been integrated in recent years, and the next step is to reduce fixed costs and secure efficient utilisation of capital and resources. It is always regrettable to plan measures that affect employees negatively, but change is necessary if the Group is to strengthen its market positions and increase competitiveness,” says Tomas Wängberg, SVP Operations Gunnebo AB. The above mentioned planned change is object to information and negotiations with related trade unions. GUNNEBO AB (publ) Group Communications For further information, please contact: Tomas Wängberg, SVP Operations Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 12 or Karin Wallström, Group Communication Manager Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 (0)31-83 68 06, mobile: +46 (0)708-28 33 39, or e-mail: Gunnebo may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 14:01 CET on 20 November 2009.

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