Gunnebo syndication closed

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The Gunnebo Security Group communicated on October 23, 2009, that the Group had reached an agreement with a number of banks regarding a three year syndicated loan facility of at least MEUR 170. Gunnebo has now successfully closed the syndication of a MEUR 180 three-year Revolving Credit Facility agreement with a group of six banks.

The Facility will be used to refinance Gunnebo’s existing MEUR 200 credit facility signed in October 2005, to replace a MSEK 200 bilateral facility which Gunnebo signed in 2005 as well as for general corporate purposes. The Bookrunners, Nordea and SEB committed MEUR 50 each to the transaction and the following banks also joined the transaction at the following levels: Mandated Lead Arrangers: DnB NOR MEUR 25 Svenska Handelsbanken MEUR 25 Danske Bank MEUR 20 Arrangers: BNP Paribas MEUR 10 The facility will be become effective upon successful closing of Gunnebo’s recently announced guaranteed rights issue. GUNNEBO AB (publ) Group Communications For further information please contact: Per Borgvall, President and CEO Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00 or Hans af Sillén, Chief Financial Officer, Gunnebo AB, tel. +46 31 83 68 00, Per Liwgren, Nordea, tel. +46 8 614 8298, mobile: +46 76 135 31 47 Krissy Rands, SEB Syndications London, tel. +44 20 7329 6679, mobile: +44 7909 534308 Gunnebo may be required to disclose the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 15.01 CET on October 28, 2009.

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