HNA/HNB - Mandatory notification of trade

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Mandatory notification of trade from primary insiders in Hafslund ASA.
Employees included in the Group's long term incentive program which is referred to in Hafslund's annual report for 2008 has the 8th of May acquired 3,047 Hafslund B-shares to NOK 72.- per share as part of the incentive program. The shares are acquired from Hafslund's own balance of shares at the closing market price at 7 May 2009. Following the transaction Hafslund's balance of own shares is 490,511 Hafslund B-shares. The company owns no Hafslund A-shares.
The following primary insiders have acquired Hafslund B-shares as part of the incentive program:
  • Hege Yli Melhus, Senior Vice President, Markets, has acquired 723 Hafslund B-shares. Following this acquisition, Melhus, directly and indirectly, owns no A-shares and 2,135 B-shares in Hafslund ASA.
  • Tore Schiøtz, Group Senior Vice President, Venture has acquired 878 Hafslund B-shares. Following this acquisition, Schiøtz, directly and indirectly, owns 5,200 A-shares and 2,479 B-shares in Hafslund ASA.
  • Gøril Nordskag Johnsen, Human Resources Director has acquired 723 Hafslund B-shares. Following this purchase, Nordskag Johnsen, directly and indirectly, owns no A-shares and 3,052 B-shares in Hafslund ASA.
Hafslund ASA
Oslo, 8 May 2009