Handelsbanken's interim report JANUARY - MARCH 2009

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Summary January - March 2009 compared with January - March 2008
  • Earnings per share increased by 20% to SEK 4.43 (3.68)
  • Operating profits increased by 30% to SEK 3,806m (2,919) and profits after tax were SEK 2,765m (2,288)
  • Net interest income rose by 23% to SEK 5,393m (4,399)
  • The average volume of loans increased by 15% and household deposits rose by 23%
  • Income increased by 38% to SEK 8,386m (6,055)
  • The C/I ratio was 43.9% (54.5)
  • Loan losses were SEK -896m (-107)
  • The capital ratio was 16.7% (16.2)
  • Tier 1 capital including profits for the period rose by SEK 5.5bn to SEK 81.4bn and the Tier 1 capital ratio according to Basel II was 11.6% (10.5)
  • The Bank's liquidity reserves were more than SEK 400bn
  • Return on equity was 13.8% (12.3)
Summary of Q1 2009 compared with Q4 2008
  • Operating profits decreased to SEK 3,806m (5,216)
  • Net interest income was SEK 5,393m (5,474) and was reduced by SEK 94m (-) for the estimated mandatory fee to the Stabilisation Fund started by the Swedish government
  • The average volume of loans to the public increased by 3% to SEK 1,509bn
  • Household deposits increased by 5% to SEK 208bn
  • Loan losses were SEK -896m (-696)
  • Return on equity was 13.8% (24.0)
For further information, please contact:
Pär Boman, CEO
+46 8 22 92 20
Ulf Riese, CFO
+46 8 22 92 20
Mikael Hallåker, Head of Investor Relations
+46 8 701 29 95, miha11@handelsbanken.se