Handelsbanken's interim report January-September 2009

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Summary January-September 2009, compared with January-September 2008
  • Operating profit rose by 4% to SEK 10,506m (10,110) and profit after tax grew to SEK 7,728m (7,576)
  • Earnings per share increased by 2% to SEK 12.40 (12.16)
  • Net interest income rose by 21% to SEK 16,641m (13,749)
  • The average volume of loans increased by 11% and household deposits rose by 19%
  • Income increased by 20% to SEK 24,368m (20,378)
  • The C/I ratio for continuing operations was 45.8% (47.3)
  • Loan losses were SEK -2,701m (-909)
  • The capital base grew by SEK 11,027m to SEK 119,045m and the capital ratio according to Basel II increased to 19.1% (15.2)
  • Tier 1 capital went up by SEK 13,260m to SEK 84,040m and the tier 1 ratio according to Basel II increased to 13.5% (10.0)
  • Handelsbanken's liquidity reserves exceeded SEK 450bn
  • Return on shareholders' equity was 12.8% (13.7)
Summary of Q3 2009, compared with Q2 2009
  • Operating profit was SEK 3,255m (3,445)
  • Net interest income was SEK 5,610m (5,638)
  • The average volume of deposits from households rose by 2% to SEK 215bn
  • Loan losses were SEK -866m (-939)
  • Net impaired loans decreased to SEK 3,710m (4,385)
  • Return on shareholders' equity was 12.0% (12.4)
  • Handelsbanken has the most satisfied customers in the Nordic region according to SKI/EPSI 2009
For further information, please contact:
Pär Boman, President and group chief executive
phone +46 8-22 92 20
Ulf Riese, CFO
phone +46 8-22 92 20
Mikael Hallåker, Head of Investor Relations
phone +46 8-701 29 95, miha11@handelsbanken.se
The full report including tables can be downloaded from the following link: