Interim Report January ─ March 2009

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First quarter 2009 *)

• Order intake decreased by -23 **) per cent to 2 989 MSEK (3 323).

• Net sales decreased by -20 **) per cent to 3 038 MSEK (3 175).

• Operating earnings amounted to 405 MSEK (560).

• Earnings before taxes, excluding non-recurring items ***) amounted to 350 MSEK (490). Including these items earnings before taxes amounted to 175 MSEK (490).

• Net earnings, excluding non-recurring items ***) amounted to 302 MSEK (427). Including these items, net earnings amounted to 151 MSEK (427).

• Earnings per share, excluding non-recurring items ***), amounted to 1.14 SEK (1.60). Including these items, earnings per share amounted to 0.56 SEK (1.60).

The interim report for the first quarter will be presented today at 15:00 CET at a telephone conference. For participation, please see instructions at the Hexagon website.

*) Excluding Hexpol AB which was de-consolidated from Hexagon AB as of 1 June 2008.
**)Adjusted to fixed exchange rates and a comparable group structure (organic growth).
***)Restructuring cost of 175 MSEK related to cost reduction programme.


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