Annual General Meeting of HEXPOL AB

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At today’s Annual General Meeting of HEXPOL AB (publ), the following was resolved.

The present Directors Melker Schörling, Georg Brunstam, Alf Göransson, Jan-Anders Månson, Malin Persson and Ulrik Svensson were re-elected. Melker Schörling was re-elected as Chairman of the Board.

In accordance with the proposal of the Nomination Committee, the Meeting resolved on Directors’ fees of SEK 400,000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 200,000 to each other member elected by the AGM but not employed by the company, as well as SEK 150,000 to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and SEK 75,000 to member of the Audit Committee.

The AGM resolved in accordance with the proposal of the Board of Directors that no dividend for the financial year 2008 will be distributed and that the accumulated earnings be carried forward.

Mikael Ekdahl (Melker Schörling AB), Åsa Nisell (Swedbank Robur fonder), Henrik Didner (Didner & Gerge Fonder) and Anders Algotson (AFA Försäkring) where re-elected as members of the Nomination Committee in respect of the AGM 2010. Mikael Ekdahl was re-elected as Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The AGM resolved on the adoption of guidelines for remuneration to the CEO and other senior executives principally entailing that the remuneration shall consist of a basic salary, a variable remuneration, other benefits and pension and all in all be competitive and in accordance with market practice. The variable remuneration shall be maximized in relation to the basic salary, tied to such performance that the relevant individual may influence and based on the outcome in relation to individually established goals. The Board shall annually consider whether a share- or share price related incentive programme shall be proposed to the AGM. The notice period shall normally be six months on the part of the employee. In case of notice of termination by the company, the notice period and the period during which severance payment is paid shall, all in all, not exceed 24 months. The pension rights shall be either benefit or fee-based, or a combination of both, with an individual pension age, however, not lower than 60 years.

The Meeting approved the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding amendment of the Articles of Association in respect of notice of General Meetings of shareholders, entailing that notices shall be published in the Official Swedish Gazette (Sw. Post- och Inrikes Tidningar) as well as on the Company’s website, and an announcement with information that the notice has been issued shall be published in Dagens Industri. The amendment is conditional upon that the provisions of the Companies Act regarding notice of General Meetings will be amended and also entails that the provision regarding the time for publishing notices convening General Meetings is removed.

At the Statutory Board Meeting following the AGM, Melker Schörling (Chairman) and Ulrik Svensson were re-elected members of the Remuneration Committee for the time period until the next Statutory Meeting. For the same term, Ulrik Svensson was re-elected Chairman and member of the Audit Committee.

Malmö, 5 May 2009


For further information please contact;

Georg Brunstam
President and CEO
+46(0)708-55 12 51

Urban Ottosson
CFO and Investor Relations
+46(0)767-85 51 44


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