The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway's final report as expected

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Acta Kapitalforvaltning ASA has now received the final report from the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway after the Norwegian FSA conducted an ordinary inspection of the operations in Norway in the autumn of 2008.
Throughout the entire process, Acta has maintained a good and constructive dialog with the Norwegian FSA.
As informed about earlier, both by the Norwegian FSA and by Acta, the inspection identified some reprehensible matter, which are also discussed in the final report. Acta will of course comply with all remarks made by the Norwegian FSA and has already implemented a number of measures to ensure that the quality in the advisory process is according to the  requirements faced by the industry. The last few years Acta has dedicated a great deal of resources in order to improve the quality throughout the entire organisation.  The Compliance department is considerably strengthened during the last year and focus on quality is today embedded throughout Acta's entire advisory  business.   
- Acta Kapitalforvaltning is a totally different company today compared to before the regulatory changes the industry experienced in 2007. We have previously informed about further organizational and commercial changes to be implemented before the summer which will make us equipped to meet the future in the best possible manner, says Simen Mørdre, CEO in Acta Holding ASA. 
The management and the employees in Acta are satisfied to receive the final report from the Norwegian FSA, and that the efforts going forward now can focus on providing the clients with advisory services which are leading in the industry in terms of quality.
Contact persons:
Simen Mørdre, CEO - Phone +47 908 68 562
Rune Wangsmo, Director Public Relations - Phone +47 995 41 507