Now JM's cars are green

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Three years ago JM took the decision to gradually transition to green cars. Today that goal has been achieved: 100 percent of the car fleet consists of green cars, according to the Swedish Tax Agency definition. JM therefore estimates a savings of almost 900 tons of CO2 annually.

"But at least as important as the carbon dioxide savings is that we hope that our decision has inspired others – partners, suppliers and the industry in general," says Lennart Henriz, director of quality and the environment. "The next step is to focus on heavy construction transports, which we know account for one tenth of carbon dioxide emissions from the transport sector." Earlier this year the subsidiary JM Entreprenad initiated its SmartLog development project. Through this initiative, which focuses on a logistics center and improved project coordination, JM hopes to save 300 tons of carbon dioxide every year. This reduction of carbon dioxide is equivalent to about 1,600 flights between Stockholm and Malmö. The project is being tested and evaluated right now in Stockholm. If the results are successful, similar logistics centers may be established in more locations around the country. JM adopted its first environmental policy in 1994. Today JM is the European leader in sustainable residential construction; climate-smart low-energy houses have been standard in all new production in Sweden since 2008. For more information about JM's environmental program please visit


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