Karolinska Development Invest in Lipidor AB

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Lipidor- Discovering Commercial Opportunities for Lipids

Lipidor AB was established in 2009 to capitalize on the founders' extensive experience working with lipids and product development capabilities. In July, 2009, Karolinska Development AB invested in Lipidor and shares the company ownership with the founders.

Lipidor's activities are focused on examining how lipids can be used in combination with substances and materials not traditionally associated with lipids. The company seeks to patent its discoveries with the intention of commercially developing them in collaboration with various other interested parties. To date, the company has filed three patent applications.

The company's founders are:

Anders Carlsson, MediGelium AB

Bengt Herslöf, Lipidea AB, also working at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Stockholm University

Jan Holmbäck, SumIT System AB

Gerhard Miksche, Conimar AB

Olle Holmertz, CIMON-group

Karolinska Development AB is represented by:

Conny Bogentoft and Ola Flink

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