Year-end Report 1 April 2008 – 31 March 2009 (12 months)

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• Net revenue 2008/09 amounted to MSEK 2,138 (2,172).
• Forceful action was carried out to reduce costs and working capital during the latter part of the year.
• Operating profit amounted to MSEK 105 (131). The result is impacted by items affecting comparability in an amount of MSEK –21 (+4), mainly during the fourth quarter. The operating margin adjusted for these items was 5.9 % (5.8 %).
• Profit after finance items amounted to MSEK 94 (121) and profit after taxes was MSEK 68 (91). Profit after finance items, not including items affecting comparability, amounted to MSEK 115 (117).
• Earnings per share were SEK 3.05 (3.92).
• Cash flow from operating activities per share increased to SEK 6.15 (5.17)
• The return on equity was 14% (21) and the equity ratio was 49% (44) at the end of the period.
• The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 1.50 (1.50) per share.
Fourth quarter
• Net revenue amounted to MSEK 528 (562).
• Operating profit amounted to MSEK 10 (40), and MSEK 27 (39) not including items affecting comparability. The operating margin, not including items affecting comparability, was 5.1% (6.9).

Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)


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