Interim Report January - March 2009

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“We are continuing to grow and strengthen our position in the retail mortgage market and are very gratified with the confidence that customers have shown in us. The credit portfolio comprises almost exclusively lending to private individuals with residential properties as collateral. These private residences are located only in Sweden and have a favourable geographic spread. We recognised no loan losses during the period, and our loan origination is conservative and based on low risk”, says Anders Borgcrantz, President of Länsförsäkringar Hypotek.




• Operating profit increased 56% to SEK 37 M (24).

• Net interest income rose by 19% to SEK 89 M (75).

• Loan losses amounted to positive SEK 3 M (0), net.

• Lending increased by 16% to SEK 56 billion (49).

• Credit quality was highly favourable and the operations maintained a low risk profile.

• The capital adequacy ratio amounted to 11.1% (11.1) and the Tier 1 ratio to 8.7% (9.1).

• The number of customers rose to 119,000 (106,400).


Figures in parentheses pertain to the same period 2008.


The full report is available below.


For further information, contact


Anders Borgcrantz

President, Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB

+46 (0)8-588 412 51

+46 (0)73-96 412 51


Göran Laurén

Executive Vice President and Finance Manager, Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB

+46 (0)8-588 410 73

+46 (0)73-96 410 73


Christer Baldhagen

Senior Vice President Corporate Communications, Länsförsäkringar AB

+46 (0)8-588 415 01

+46 (0)70-579 70 66


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